LOVE of sugar

Hi everyone! I have been a member of this site for awhile but just got active in the community. I was wondering if anyone else has a serious problem with sugar? I have no problem eating healthy meals like salads throughout the day, my real problem starts at night time when I want to eat five candy bars before I go to bed. I seem to crave sugar all day long, any kind of chocolate especially. I have heard some people say once your body gets used to having no sugar the cravings stop and I was wondering if this is really true? Also, I would love to have some motivation buddies!


  • Hi, I have little problem with that too. I am good whole day and then at night when I am about to go to sleep I want to have cupcake or bread with enormous amount of Nutella.

    Lets be buddies, we can keep each other accountable :?
  • dvc2013
    dvc2013 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm new and I have a major sugar problem. Same with me: I don't have any problem eating veggies and other things that are good for me, it's just that I also crave sugar a lot, especially first thing in the morning and late at night. I'm usually ok during the middle of the day.
    My goal for this year is to cut down on getting coffee from coffee shops, since one of my weaknesses is the doughnuts and cinnamon rolls and whatnot that I always find myself getting in the morning!
    Also I will not be buying sweets for home (cookies, cakes, candy). If I don't have it there, I can't eat it...
  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    Love, love, love me some candy bars, cookies, donuts, and swiss cake rolls! I have been trying to cut down and having a hard time doing so.
    Good luck! Maybe we can help each other.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I used to eat a lot of sugar (mostly at night) which was why I was overweight. I had an epiphany that if I didn't control my sugar cravings the weight would come right back on and undo all the hard work I spent getting to my goal weight. I began to see candy and desserty things in a whole new light. They are not my friend. Kind of like that suave, smooth talking guy that most women meet at some point in their lives that is just empty promises and all talk? That's sugar to me and I don't need it.

    I think it's very possible to change your taste buds and kill the sugar cravings. I'm living proof. And I'm happy that I reigned in my cravings because I've been at maintenance for 6 months and I feel great. I have dark chocolate on occasion and that doesn't seem to trigger new sugar cravings. And sometimes I'll enjoy a dessert here and there. But I won't eat empty sugary calories several days in a row. That's inviting the cravings to return and I love the new me too much.
  • Me too! How DO you change your perspective? I understand what themedalist said about sugar & candy not being her friend, but I think for me it's almost like an addiction. What do you do when you get that craving?
  • _mrsgigi_
    _mrsgigi_ Posts: 38 Member
    i gave up sweets for a certain time last year, and i had the same exact feeling. Once my body got over not getting sweets everyday it got a little bit easier. i'm having the same problem again now that im trying to lose weight
  • LRH64
    LRH64 Posts: 199 Member
    Oh sugar how you woo me in to a mindless coma! I did really good limiting the refined sugar when I was in weight-loss mode but after I went on maintenance it slowly crept its way back into my life. Its my addiction and I really have to gain control or 5 will become 6 and 6 will become 7 and so on until I am back to where i was uncomfortable in my clothes again. Sometimes I think the only rrason I exercise is so I can have chocolate or ice cream.
  • Bethany7053
    Bethany7053 Posts: 22 Member
    I feel like that too! I will exercise and diet all day so I can eat candy before I go to bed. So I am not losing weight, just maintaining. The first day I started dieting again, I couldnt even stand it so I had a fun size bag of M&M's!