i need help

i am planing to lose 100 pounds and the scay part is how my skin will look after . anyone know anything about keep skin tight and looking good after weight loss. thank you


  • jasonp_ritzert
    jasonp_ritzert Posts: 357 Member
    It will look a little loose for a while, but the most important thing to keep in mind is the health benefits you are doing for yourself. Over time the skin will tighten up and you can incorporate weight training into your workout to help with that. Good luck.
  • marta07
    marta07 Posts: 79 Member
    thank you
  • nickielouise36
    nickielouise36 Posts: 38 Member
    hiya im no expert.. got loads to lose to but.. dont lose to much to soon.. and perhaps at ur local gym will be able to help u.. toning exercises will help.. feel free to add me GOODLUCK XXX
  • 20shan08
    20shan08 Posts: 219 Member
    Drink lots of water. Lotion up. You'll probably be fine though. Just take your time in losing it. I lost 86 pounds in a little over a year and the only loose skin I have is on my stomach from being pregnant and staying overweight for 4 years. But also, I'll take my loose tummy at 160 pounds than my old 248 pound body, hands down!