Plus size

BamaRose0107 Posts: 635
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I had no idea where to post this first of all.

Recently I saw a spread in glamour magazine featuring real women. These women were beautiful healthy and curvy and I just had to cheer outloud. Growing up I always saw models being stick thin with no imperfections and thats how I thought I should be if I wanted to be excepted. It was so refreshing to see real women put themselves out there and say I am a size 12 and I am healthy and beautiful. I think the models were all size 6-14 which sadly in the fashion industry is considered plus size. Did anyone else see the spread or article?


  • kicklikeaGIRL
    kicklikeaGIRL Posts: 867 Member
    I haven't seen this particular article...but I saw a slideshow on FoxNews that had curvy women. I thought it was so refreshing as well. And it is sad that plus size in the model industry is considered 6-14. I think they look so much more healthy than if they were too stick thin. Granted, there are many people who are naturally stick thin and look great doing it. But, for many people they have to go to unhealthy ways of eating/exercising in order to look like that, and you can tell in their eyes and in their skin that what they are doing to look that way is you know what I mean? some of those runway girls have big blue bags under their eyes and their teeth just don't look healthy. Its so sad. I love having my curves, I don't want to give up the curves I have in my body...and its about time the media starts to see the beauty in curvacious women!!! Yayyye!! I'll have to check out the you know if its just in the magazine or do they have it online as well? Thanks for the post!
  • I saw it and I was so glad! It's amazing how society see healthy weights as ugly...I mean not everyone can be over 5'8" and have that kind of small bone stucture. Besides if everyone looked the same then the world would be boring (like the Stepford Wives) HAHA
  • 6-14 p;us sizes?!! omg I've always been one then. You know... I see all the small mannequins at stores and how insane that is! No one should be like that. You need fat on you, it's just not right to condemn people who work hard to be healthy, because they're not THIN like that. I hate that someone could say just because youre fat you eat badly? I don't, never have. I know a lot of women who move all day, eat healthy but cant be skinny.
  • I haven't seen this particular article...but I saw a slideshow on FoxNews that had curvy women. I thought it was so refreshing as well. And it is sad that plus size in the model industry is considered 6-14. I think they look so much more healthy than if they were too stick thin. Granted, there are many people who are naturally stick thin and look great doing it. But, for many people they have to go to unhealthy ways of eating/exercising in order to look like that, and you can tell in their eyes and in their skin that what they are doing to look that way is you know what I mean? some of those runway girls have big blue bags under their eyes and their teeth just don't look healthy. Its so sad. I love having my curves, I don't want to give up the curves I have in my body...and its about time the media starts to see the beauty in curvacious women!!! Yayyye!! I'll have to check out the you know if its just in the magazine or do they have it online as well? Thanks for the post!

    Its online at glamour, the picture,article and everything.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I often wondered when I was really overweight that I still didnt look like a plus size model! lol
  • hmwth
    hmwth Posts: 25
    it used to be that 12 - 16 was normal and 18 and above was a plus size
  • it used to be that 12 - 16 was normal and 18 and above was a plus size

    I think in the fashion industry it is a little different because designer clothes usually only go up to a size 6 for shows, so in the fashion world a size 8 would not fit the clothes.
  • TenaciousTAZ
    TenaciousTAZ Posts: 135 Member
    Size does not determine beauty, muscles do not determine strength, weight does not determine fitness
    Health is what has always been important to me!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I love love loveeee that picture
  • The magazines also airbrush out all the imperfections in the models so be aware - you're not really looking at a "real" body when you look at those mags! I remember being 14 or so and living on those things and being so depressed that I'd never get there. Nothing worse than being a little overweight in adolesence - except that it does give you some drive to be more in shape when you're older! At least that's worked some for me!!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I think more and more mags and such are becoming more conscious of the unhealthy trend that "society" has set for young girls... They seem to be "trying" to do much better in showing a wider range of sizes...

    On that subect..... I LOVE hips and curves.... It's a plus size lingerie (and such) website... Those women are gorgeous... and they are all "plus sized".... Some of their items are not even offered in my size...they are too big... But I think It's awesome!!!
    Fuller framed, plus sized...whatever you want to call it, women need to embrace their size and DIVA at whatever size you are... I'm a 16 and I'm still working on losing weight, but I love my body and I love feeling sexy!! Of course, there is A LOT of room for improvement and that is what I'm working towards... BUT if you don't love yourself at the size you are now, you aren't going to love yourself when you get to the size you want to be.... Self worth isn't found in a dress size.
    Ok, I think I just went off on a tangent... Sorry :smile:
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I want to see more spreads like those!! a month or 2 ago MSN's wonderwall had a spread of airbrush scandals and some of them were rediculous and others awful. I can't find the link to that but here are a few that were on it:
    Ralph Lauren model Fillippa Hamilton, who was "let go" because of her weight was airbrushed in one ad campaign to look... I dont even think you could say skelital because I'm pretty sure a skeliton has more than that! I think alien would be the proper word:

    Kim Kardashian had did a photo shoot for an online magazine and the non-airbrush "accidentally" was posted and when people bashed her for having cellulite she came out saying she was proud of the way she looks and of course she has cellulite, what curvy girl doesnt?? the bad part? instead of leeaving the picture up as a statement, the magazine quickly replaced it with the airbrushed version that not only smoothed out her cellulite but also nipped in her waist and even changed her hairline!

    Redbook's cover of Faith Hill fixed her "back fat" along with adding hair, taking out her hand (and lengthening her arm in the process...) cropping out her butt and adjusting the color of her skin:

    and the absolute worst in my opinion, not so much because of what they "fixed" but because of who the magazine is: Self Magazine. This is a magazine all about promoting HEALTHY living and they felt the need to airbrush Kelly Clarkson down 2-3 sizes?? and the caption beside the picture is: "Stay True to You and Everyone Will Love You Too!" um... how is this staying true? and when questioned this is what Self had to say: "Yes, of course we do post-production corrections on our images," Editor-in-Chief Lucy Danziger tells ET. Airbrushing images is an industry standard, and the mag stands behind its decision. "SELF magazine inspires and informs our 6 million readers each month to reach their all around best..." how do you inspire people to be THEIR all around best by putting role models on the cover that 1) are not real and 2) are not realistic?

    No wonder there is such a huge problem with eating disorders...
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I think Tyra did a show on this subject a while back. It was a very refreshing article to read. However, there is still SO MUCH discrimination towards curvy women in the 18-24 year old group. I live in Southern Calfornia and it is sadly rampant the abuse that young girls (9th grade and up) receive for being curvy or full-figured. I remember when I was 17, I went to the beach with a friend for a day in the sun. I wore a two-piece with boardshorts over the bottoms to go walking on the pier. I was by NO MEANS fat, in fact I was quite muscular due to all of my sports activities and Fire Department weight training. I had never been more mortified in my life. There were many snickers and loud comments from young men my age about "look at that chick, she's huge..etc.) Now these boys were my peers; the kind of boy that teenage girls flirt with. I was devastated. Sadly, this was almost 15 years ago and nothing out here has changed. If you spend a night on Main St. in Huntington Beach, you will see young girls vomiting in the alleys or restrooms of the restaurants because they ate a piece of lettuce. If you aren't a size 2 or less, you are considered "fat".

    Hopefully, this standard is changing. Women have curves; we need curves. It is crucial that stereotypes are broken by the means of media and advertising that it is okay that a woman is a size 12 or up.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    I think Tyra did a show on this subject a while back. It was a very refreshing article to read. However, there is still SO MUCH discrimination towards curvy women in the 18-24 year old group. I live in Southern Calfornia and it is sadly rampant the abuse that young girls (9th grade and up) receive for being curvy or full-figured. I remember when I was 17, I went to the beach with a friend for a day in the sun. I wore a two-piece with boardshorts over the bottoms to go walking on the pier. I was by NO MEANS fat, in fact I was quite muscular due to all of my sports activities and Fire Department weight training. I had never been more mortified in my life. There were many snickers and loud comments from young men my age about "look at that chick, she's huge..etc.) Now these boys were my peers; the kind of boy that teenage girls flirt with. I was devastated. Sadly, this was almost 15 years ago and nothing out here has changed. If you spend a night on Main St. in Huntington Beach, you will see young girls vomiting in the alleys or restrooms of the restaurants because they ate a piece of lettuce. If you aren't a size 2 or less, you are considered "fat".

    Hopefully, this standard is changing. Women have curves; we need curves. It is crucial that stereotypes are broken by the means of media and advertising that it is okay that a woman is a size 12 or up.

    Wow... that just seriously made me sad....:frown:
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    I wanted to share something that my 10 year old son told me, I thought yall would enjoy.

    I was looking at a fitness magazine that I prescribe to and there was a woman on the cover with workout shorts and a sports bra on. I told him, "That's how mamma wants to look!" He responede, " I don't think so, her hip bones are sticking out!!!! That doesn't look good and it would hurt when I lay on your hip to snuggle!!!!":laugh:
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
  • I wanted to share something that my 10 year old son told me, I thought yall would enjoy.

    I was looking at a fitness magazine that I prescribe to and there was a woman on the cover with workout shorts and a sports bra on. I told him, "That's how mamma wants to look!" He responede, " I don't think so, her hip bones are sticking out!!!! That doesn't look good and it would hurt when I lay on your hip to snuggle!!!!":laugh:

    AW thats sweet! Leave it to kids to be 100% honest about what they think!
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    There is another sad twist to this whole topic though. While magazines, media, etc. are warming up to plus sized models and curvier girls, just take a look at the advertisements in the same magazine or even on TV for pills, drinks, diets, etc. I will use Kim Kardashian as an example. While she is "proud" of her curves and cellulite, she has commercials on TV for some type of quick fix weight loss supplement. That is quite confusing. Also while celebrities like Tyra are doing shows to promote curvy girls, Tyra herself on another show is expressing her disdain for gaining a little weight or is trying some new diet.

    Now, I know money is a huge issue here and celebrities will make tons of money for promoting products, but these celebrities need to be understand the mixed messages here. Young girls look up to these women and that will never change, but saying one thing and doing something completely opposite is just empowering the vicious vortex of self-destruction that some teenage girls cannot break free of.
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