Boredom eating

I could use tips to overcome boredom eating. As a binge eater I'm used to being gut busting full. If I'm not I THINK I'm "hungry". When I'm bored my mind tells me I'm "hungry". I'm having issues overcoming this and i would love to hear some tips. Do any of you go through this? what helped you?


  • I like hot cocoa (Swiss Miss instant) made with water. It's hot, chocolate, and takes me a bit of time to consume sip by sip. As a fellow binge eater, it occupies my hands and mouth for awhile and seems to cut cravings. I'm having some right now....
  • crystalfisher89
    crystalfisher89 Posts: 196 Member
    My suggestion would be to have a small pack of low calorie treats i.e. popcorn, rice cakes (my personal favorite-seriously, the apple cinnamon are fabulous), or some healthy cereal with LOTS of fiber). I had a similar problem where I boredom ate as well. So what I did was I ALWAYS kept a large jug of water next to me and if I felt hungry, I'd pull out a rice cake and take two or three drinks of water to eat bite of rice cake or whatever you are eating. A lot of the time our body confuses dehydration with hunger, so you fill yourself up with water and a little bit of something. It gives you a chance to EAT something (frequent snacks are good in moderation) and get your daily water in take. I drink on average a gallon of water and I drink lots when I eat because I feel more full when I do this. Oh, be prepared for lots of bathroom breaks :)

    There are also appetite suppressing supplements out there too that can help keep you from overeating. Not sure if you want to try it, but I have used the green coffee bean supplement and that really helped me learn how to eat less. Once again, though some people are against this method, but it is up to you. Hope this helps!
  • Yeah, second the water, that's a very good idea.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    Chewing a minty gum works for me - most of the time. A lot of things taste really gross when combined with mint...just think about drinking OJ after brushing your teeth. So nasty. I also drink a couple glasses of water when the boredom-munchies hit.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I also drink a lot of water and keep healthy snacks around. I like carrots with hummus, granola bars, apples with peanut butter, or a broth-based veggie soup.

    I don't let too much time pass between meals and snacks. I usually eat something every two or three hours.

    Unsweetened tot tea helped with boredom hunger pangs as well.
  • asdjlo
    asdjlo Posts: 76 Member
    I agree with the water idea and in addition to that I make myself do a quick 10-15 minute cardio session even if it is just walking or jogging in place prior to making a eating out of boredom decision. After I am done with a full cup of water and a short cardio workout I normally do not want to eat anymore. Maybe I have just worked my way through my craving.
  • fatjavotte
    fatjavotte Posts: 96 Member
    I am also a binge-eater. I have not had a massive binge for years, but I tend to graze all day. And one of the consequences of my bing-eeating is that I have lost the ability to feel full / sickened when I overeat. I could eat a loaf of bread for breakfast without feeling remotely uncomfortable...
    I brush my teeth often (as a previous poster has said, the minty taste helps). I like to snack on raw carrots because you have to chew them a lot, so you cannot eat them absent-mindedly, if you see what I mean.
    When I lived on my own, the best option was not to have any food that can be eaten without some sort of preparation.
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Unfortunately, the body will always give you mixed signals making you THINK you are hungry, partifularly when you're tired or thirsty.

    I will usually drink a bottle of water and have a small snack, like a protein/fiber bar (Chocolite Triple Fudge from it's 95 calories and has about 10 grams of protein and 10 grams of fiber in it for about 95 calories).

    If I feel like I'm still hungry, I'll try to find something else protein (like light string cheese) or maybe a handful of pretzels.

    I've also taken to gum. It's almost like a smoker needs something to occupy the hands when they quit smoking - gum can "occupy the mouth" until the need to eat subsides.

    Otherwise, try to find something to do. I've learned how to crochet and knit, and am considering taking up quilting (a store for that opened up about 2 miles from my house). I've also bought a sewing maching and desk recently and am trying to get my supplies together for that since I have two daughters, and it always seems like the pants I get for my 6 year old are too long.

    I also try to use a saying I heard on Dr. Oz - "Sit less, move more". Any movement is good. Wipe off the cabinet doors, change any lightbulbs that need changing, go around the house with a trashbag emptying out trash cans, whatever.

    For what it's worth....
  • liittlesparrow
    liittlesparrow Posts: 209 Member
    Fellow binge eater here :D When my mind starts telling me to eat, I just make a cup of tea. Or drink cold water, or get up and clean or do SOMETHING. Usually it passes, at least for a little while. It'll take some time, but one day I hope that little voice will just go away.

    My advice is just keep yourself busy. If you can't, make some tea or other hot drink and relax and do something to preoccupy your mind :)