Crossfit cals?

Does anyone else do Crossfit? If so, how do you calculate a WOD? Do you just break it down or do you do a general Cardio vs. Strength training. I would love just to be able to have a Crossfit with xxx number of calories burned. Thx!


  • BitteOrca
    BitteOrca Posts: 74 Member
    Gotta wear an HRM. No other precise way to measure calories burned. My calorie burn can vary greatly between WODs, so I can't just assume it'll be an even 450 (for example) each time.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I do CrossFit and I just entered it as a workout. I wore an HRM several times and I averaged out to about 350 calories & that is what I log every time. I know that some days I am really low and some days I am really high but I am not at a point in my fitness / weight loss that I am going to focus on getting every calorie possible as most of the times I do not eat my exercise calories back because my focus is on eating clean and I am lucky to get in the calories I do consume.
  • AliceRabbit13
    AliceRabbit13 Posts: 138 Member
    I wear my HRM, and log the activity as 'cross training'.
  • jodymaryk
    jodymaryk Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you everyone! I have bought the HRM yet but have been listing it as 'calisthenic, vigorous' which for 30 minutes came back as 349 calories. Sounded about right or at least close enough for now :)