Eating back your burned calories??

I'm not eating enough calories as of now I've been told so I'm taking it up to 1200 but I get a lot more with my workouts that are logged. Eat back those calories or don't? Not losing weight as quick as before either need a little advice.


  • lgladybug
    lgladybug Posts: 68 Member
    Well everyone's body is different. If your weight loss has already stalled from not eating enough calories I'd say you should try eating at least 1200 calories regardless if you work out or not to prevent your body from going into starvation mode.
  • L1zzydarcy
    L1zzydarcy Posts: 15 Member
    I have been eating back what I've earned and have steadily lost just over a pound a week.

    I would love to lose the weight quickly, but ultimately I want to make sure I am doing something that is sustainable, through both the weight loss process and my life going forward. I would be concerned that I would burn myself out by being tired and cranky from not eating enough when I'm working out.
  • purpleipod
    purpleipod Posts: 1,147 Member
    I eat back my calories because MFP expects me to net 1300. If I exercise and don't eat them back, I'd only be netting about 800. That's not even close to enough.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I eat them back. And it's awesome!
  • BSBgirl337
    BSBgirl337 Posts: 119 Member
    I normally eat back some of them if I'm hungry. But ALWAYS eat at least 1200!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member

    When you calculated your goal of 1200, did you factor in exercise into your activity setting? If so, you don't need to eat them back. If not, you should be eating them back. IMO, at 1200 per day, you should be eating them back regardless.

    And no... not everyone is different. We aren't all little snowflakes. Our bodies are remarkably similar. Give it a healthy deficit and you'll lose weight. Give it an unhealthy deficit and you may or may not lose weight, but given enough time, bad things will happen.

    Read these for more info...
  • I've been told by nutritionists never to eat less than 1200 callories a day. I've also been on several different weight loss programs in my life and have found that when loosing weight it sometimes fluctuates as to how much I loose each week. If you feel hungry having the extra calories from the exercise will help. If you don't feel hungry don't use them.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    MFP is set up so that you do NOT have to exercise to lose weight. It calculates a deficit into your calorie goal. Please educate yourself on what you are signing up for. If MFP's system didn't intend for you to eat back your exercise calories, it wouldn't tell you to eat them back.

    This is a great read:
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If you feel hungry having the extra calories from the exercise will help. If you don't feel hungry don't use them.

    Unless you know the OP, this is bad advice. If I ate when I was hungry, and ate until I wasn't hungry... I'd never stop eating. Relying on hunger to determine if/when you should eat is fine for some, but terrible for others.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    I gained weight doing that before, and I was only eating back about half of my exercise calories.

    I don't know why, but I suspect that since BMR, TDEE, and calories burned are estimates, the figures are wrong for some of us.
  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    Some days I eat them back and some days I do not. You do not have to eat them back, but if you are hungry then eat them! With this method I have lost on average 1 pound a week... lately it has been more because I have been working out more and not eating them back. I am doing that because I have been slacking for a little while and I want to get out of those bad habits.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    I don't know why, but I suspect that since BMR, TDEE, and calories burned are estimates, the figures are wrong for some of us.

    This is an important point. You take the numbers MFP gives you and use them as starting points. After a month or so, see what kind of progress you've made and adjust the numbers as necessary.
  • green022
    green022 Posts: 115
    If you feel hungry having the extra calories from the exercise will help. If you don't feel hungry don't use them.

    Unless you know the OP, this is bad advice. If I ate when I was hungry, and ate until I wasn't hungry... I'd never stop eating. Relying on hunger to determine if/when you should eat is fine for some, but terrible for others.

    Thank you for all the advice guys! And used to it would have been horrible because I was always hungry BUT now I eat normally around 800 calories and then work out in the mornin and at night. I'm full and satisfied throughout the day so I'm a little confused about what to do.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    I don't know why, but I suspect that since BMR, TDEE, and calories burned are estimates, the figures are wrong for some of us.

    They are. So are calories burned through exercise, so are calories ingested through food intake.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Bottom line is that you should never really net below your BMR. If your setting in MFP includes exercise (like mine) then don't eat them back. If your settings don't take your exercise into account, absolutely, eat them back PLEASE! From what I've seen, the 1,200 calorie thing is usually from the "sedentary" so anything you do outside or a normal day (like exercise) you would log as accurately as possible and eat those back.

    Generally speaking, MFP is set up based on a base activity level that doesn't include exercise so most people should be eating their exercise calories back. Also remember that this is a tool based on's not a hard and fast'll likely have to play with your numbers a bit.
  • I wouldn't eat back all the calories. I see people on here with a calorie goal of 1200, consuming 2600 calories, exercising and burning 1500 calories and having a net of 1100 calories consumed and not losing any weight. I think they are eating way to much and overestimating the effort they have put into the exercise. Just because you work our for 30 minutes doen't mean you have actually burned as many calories as this web site says. It depends on if you have gone into cardio burn or not. You can be doing the treadmill for 30 minutes but going slowly. You haven't increased your respiration at all. So you really haven't burned that many calories. i guess you need one of those monitors to read the actual calories burned.

    My point being until you actually "know" how many calories you are actually burning I wouldn't eat back all the calories you burned during exercise.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I donate my exercise calories to the American Red Cross
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    If you feel hungry having the extra calories from the exercise will help. If you don't feel hungry don't use them.

    Unless you know the OP, this is bad advice. If I ate when I was hungry, and ate until I wasn't hungry... I'd never stop eating. Relying on hunger to determine if/when you should eat is fine for some, but terrible for others.

    Thank you for all the advice guys! And used to it would have been horrible because I was always hungry BUT now I eat normally around 800 calories and then work out in the mornin and at night. I'm full and satisfied throughout the day so I'm a little confused about what to do.

    First, stop working out. Second, eat more calorie dense foods - full fat dairy, beef, nuts/seeds... cook with oil, etc.
  • Eating only 800 calories is dangerous. Up it to 1200 calories.
  • Soulshaa
    Soulshaa Posts: 19 Member
    I was told that this site & other sites like this, warn us to eat the 1200 calories (or whatever your plan says) to protect themselves from lawsuits. If they told you it was ok to eat less & someone died, they could go after this site.
    I'd say, if you are not hungry, don't eat. Just have common sense & eat enough so you stay healthy. :)