Insanity, Beach Body, P90X

Hey guys, I saw an infomercial for insanity and went to their website. Ive been seeing blogs on here about it and everything. Anyway, I clicked on the success stories tab and all of the success stories were on a beach body website and they were doing a beach body work out. I watched a success video and he was even talking about P90X. Ive seen about all these things on here and thought they were all separate programs. Are they all actually connected? Im so confused! Is it like a bunch of different names for the same workout or what? and people like this workout right? It just seems so expensive! Anyway, if anyone knows how they are related etc Id love to know! Thanks!


  • bennettv
    bennettv Posts: 152 Member
    Beachbody is a fitness company that has many brands (different DVD's) in it's collection. Insanity is one of them. They have the whole collection on thier website. I just talked to the trainer about exercise DVDs she suggested anything in the Beachbody family. I've been doing Slim in 6, but was getting issues with my back doing the same exercises over and over again. I'm planning to go to the library and see what ones they have that I can try out and then buy a few more to alternate with the Slim in 6.

    Hope that helps!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Beach Body is a company that produces or makes workout videos including slim in 6, Power 90, P90X, Insanity and a bunch more. They are all different workout programs and a lot of people start with one and move on to another.
  • meerkat88
    meerkat88 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks! I figured there had to be some sort of an explanation like that!
  • gilthethrill6907
    gilthethrill6907 Posts: 15 Member
    I have bought the Insanity program and I have lost 14lbs in 3 weeks. It is very hard on the body, a lot of jumping and constant moving. You really feel like quitting before the warm-up is done, but I really feel that it works.
  • 1miletogo
    P90X and insanity are awesome workout programs, and well worth the cost. I've completed both programs. Feel free to email with any questions.