New to MFP looking for Friends and motivation

Mom of 4, 35 years old and looking for a support system/group of friends that understand the journey I'm on. I just had my 4th and last baby in September and I'm looking forward to having my body back! For real, the kids have been using it for the last 3 years! Now it's mine again and I would like to be able to enjoy shopping for clothes because I hate it now. I had my last 3 kiddo's in 3 years, so I'm out of shape and fat. I recently started back to work FT and it's hard to juggle, career women, wifey, Mom of 4 & try to fit in good eating a fitness.

Looking forward to meeting some new folks.


  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    Welcome! Glad you could join us. I'm a newbie here so i'm still learning how to use all the info on the site. You've been very busy..and if you can handle all that up to this point, you can handle anything! Not going to be easy..but you can accomplish it. Taking that 1st step and deciding to make the changes you want isn't easy either. But you are here now. Hope the journey brings you what you want. Add me if you like. Just remember...what don't kill you only makes you stronger. We will support you any way we can.