from 158lbs to 127lbs

I suffered from childhood overweight, and overweight runs in my family. Within a year I lost 31lbs thanks to a powerful method. My father.
My father got diabetes when I was 12 years old, due to overweight. Immediatly after that he forced (yes, forced) all of us in the family (me, mom, sister) to eat as if we were diabetic as well, since he is the one cooking. We got lots of low-fat sugarfree meals, and he forced us all to get outside on the bicycle EVERY day, no matter whether (snow, thunder, who cares.. Not him.) and cycle 8km (5miles). We went from a fattie-lifestyle with junk and sugar and candy everyday to only candies (sugarfree of course) on fridays, exercise everyday and eating healthy.

It's hard as ****. But it's more effective than anything else. By then I was a lot smaller than I am now (I just turned 18), at least a head smaller. I'm now 127lbs, 5'7 and my BMI is normal. I still want to lose a little, since I'm build big - big thighs, big belly, but slim legs and arms. I also want to get fit and toned.

Keep going!
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