F.Y.I. (for the Newbiees)

DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
1st off, MFP REALLY DOES WORK (but remember there are some important guide lines to follow to make it work. You can find them here ---> http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/10665-newbies-please-read-me-2nd-edition

2nd, YOU WILL HIT A WALL/PLATEAU (this is normal don't let it stop what you're doing, keep going, push through)

3rd, THIS WORKS DIFFERENTLY FOR EVERYBODY (if something isn't working for you, tweek it. Just get on the boards and ask for ideas)

4th, DON'T WEIGH YOURSELF DAILY (this works for some but the majority seem to space weigh-ins about every week or two)

5th, DO YOUR MEASUREMENTS (I regret not doing this at my max. weight) You might not have a weight change one weigh-in but you could lose inches in all the right place and isn't that what this is all about.

Finally, GOOD LUCK (I know, luck has nothing to do with it but it still good to have it on your side)


  • zena92
    zena92 Posts: 128 Member
    I'm not even new and this even put my mind to rest!! (been having some doubts lately)

    great post!
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I'd like to add a few more:

    6th. Set goals. Set goals that are tangible and that you can directly control. DO NOT say I'm going to lose 8 lbs this month. You don't have direct control over that, and you'll only get frustrated when you don't reach them. Rather set goals like: I will work out this many times. I will run this many miles. I will come in at or under my calorie goal 6 days this week. etc.

    7th. Take a picture of yourself at the begginning of every month. "I need to look better for the pitcure" Makes your goals more immediate than say something a few months down the road. Put the picture of your fat self on the fridge...that will change your choices.

    8th. What works for the first 6 months may not work the next 6 months. Be open to new activities & foods. Just make sure it falls in line with your goals. And that your goals are sustainable over the long haul.
  • I am a "newbie" and I want to say Thank You!!! Thank you for the all of the information and ideas!
  • I really like your goal setting idea. Much better because as you say those are the things you can really control, the weight drop will come in response to that.