Staying Fit/Tone Up While Pregnant

What are some good exercises to stay fit/tone up while pregnant? I would like to start walking but didn't know if this would help or not...I am 2 months pregnant, due August 12th :) I would have liked to lose more weight than I have before I got pregnant(didn't think it would happen right away) I still have to lose another 20lbs so that will have to weight until after the baby is born. I lost 25 lbs and I have hoping to only gain that weight back and nothing more.


  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member
    Congrats!!! I got a couple of Pregnancy work-out dvds to do while I was pregnant. I really liked the Summer Sanders' Prenatal Workout. You can get it on Amazon for only $9! I also did my elliptical for the first two trimesters. You need to get guidance from your doctor on how you should exercise. I ended up having to stop all exercise in the third trimester because my baby was diagnosed as IUGR (her belly wasn't growing as fast as the rest of her). She was born healthy as can be though!

    Good luck!
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I've stayed active by walking and swimming throughout my pregnancy and only gained about 24 lbs in 33 weeks, which is very good given where I started.

    Walking is outstanding exercise as it's low-impact. You can pace yourself however you like too. Early on, I walked a lot faster and did some jogging too, but now, I just fast-pace stroll.

    Honestly, the best thing you can do for yourself is make sure you are eating enough food to support your pregnancy but not overdo it, stay as active as possible, and make sure you get enough iron and calcium in daily.

    Also, a 25 lb total gain is possible, but try to be flexible with that. Sometimes pregnancy can cause us to gain a lot more than we want. A lot of that is out of our control and has to do with our hormone levels, how big the baby is, what his/her growth looks like, how much amniotic fluid is produced, and all sorts of things. My advice to you is not to set a weight goal. Set nutrition and fitness goals instead. Getting too hung up on the scale now can drive you insane.

    This is a great group you should join while you're at it. There are a lot of really nice helpful women there who can help you along the way:
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    I agree with P-Rex (what else is new?) - come join us at Fit, Fabulous, & Pregnant :)
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    I took Yoga through my first pregnancy and practiced it through my second.

    I feel like it did me good.
  • kandisteiner
    Congrats! I see women in my Zumba classes all the time. I believe you can do it up until the third trimester, but I'm not positive. They always have so much fun and just do a little less bouncing and jumping the bigger they get. :)
  • RenaeNguyen
    RenaeNguyen Posts: 98 Member
    I am 23 weeks 4 days, I currently just do cardio... I dont want to lift any weights for obvious reasons..... but my OBGYN told me if I feel conformable lifting minimal weights (30lbs or less) to go ahead since I was already doing it... dont listen to people on the internet, always ask your OBGYN or a certified trainer what you can and cannot do while youre pregnant.