The Weight Loss Roller Coaster....

I have to admit, I've had such a hard time this month. I've been tracking for almost a month I think. And I am frustrated. And hungry. And irritable. A lot. And I don't like it.

Ok, so strike one against me is that this is bad timing. Starting any diet during the holiday months is gonna be hard-Candy, cakes, chocolate covered heaven mixed with peanut butter, chocolate santa's bloated with marshmellow heaven inside. Roast Beef, Steak, Mashed potatoes. I WANTED IT ALL AND I WANTED TO EAT EVERY LAST MORSAL...RIGHT DOWN TO LICKING MY FINGERS. DAMMIT-I WANTED TO EAT.

Yeah, I screamed this in my head every day during the holidays. Probably pouted and some days, might have thrown a fit, just like a 2 yr old, about not getting to eat what I wanted. (I'm sure I cried during one of these fits too.) I can tell you I gave in, multiple times. But I would say 85% of the time. I tracked it. The next day, if I didn't track the food, I did the following day. (Kinda like confession time for us Catholics-you know you did wrong *sigh* lets just go back and live up to it and move on with life.)

I guess thats what I'm trying to do now, is get up and start over...again for the bazillionth time. Over the last few weeks, I've lost, then gained, gained again, and then lost again. Now, back to gain. And right where I started in the first place. And I own that. I own the weight gain and the "back to start". And the holidays are over. And I've got to make this "start over" my last one, and stay back on track.

For me, this means I gotta move my *kitten*. I can do pretty well with the calories, but I think I need the mental stuff that goes a long with a good workout. I'm happier and more positive....and because I know how hard I had to work out to burn that 300 calorie mini candy bar, I am less likely to eat them.

New things to scream at myself: GET THAT *kitten* OFF THE COUCH HOT MOMMA! YOU CAN DO THIS! AND GO!!!

Yeah, thats better. :)