Nerdy Goth from the UK

Hello there!

I have been on MFP for a few years now but recently returned to finally reach my goal and I am looking for new friends.
So I am a nerdy goth who loves arts and crafts and gaming (LOTRO). I stopped losing weight after I moved to the UK from germany.. I just had to try all the new food lol its all bad btw ^^ but scrumptious. However I am looking for some support to keep me going and I want to help you to stick to your diet as well.

I would love to find some nerdy goths or nerds or goths or crafty people to stalk ^__^


  • Hi,
    I'm definitely a nerd, wish I could be Goth and want to visit the UK :smile: I did my own Christmas cards this year with googly eyes and I play xbox sometimes, but only the easy kid games (except some Rainbow Six with my hubby) because I am not very good at them.
    I am brand new here. So far the food diary is painful to acknowledge (do I really eat that much chocolate??)... and so is the lack of exercises to add (does staring at a computer screen all day count??). But I am sure I will do better as it becomes glaringly obvious that my pants don't fit anymore.:embarassed:
    Good luck to you!
  • EmmaEVille13
    EmmaEVille13 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi Tina,

    I absolutely know what you mean. Its so hard at first and you have to realize all the things you have been doing wrong but after a few weeks it gets easier and as soon as you start seeing the you dropping it encourages you to keep on going =D but I wish turning the computer on would burn calories xD
  • I'm nerdy and I knit!! Does that count? :D I'd love some more friends.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    I must say, you're adorable. Love the hair!
  • russy91
    russy91 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi im a geek/nerd love rock and metal but would not say goth haha

    only been on here around 4 months now on and off but always looking fro friends

    im a xbox gamer and run a games podcast to boot
    from glasgow
  • KittyViolet
    KittyViolet Posts: 220 Member
    Already got your request, dear! Another nerd over here, too. Hello and welcome from Canada! :)
  • Hi Nerdy;

    I am somewhat nerdy (director of IT) and think I'm too old (55) to be Goth. But I do own a Goth Black Les Paul electric guitar put out by Epiphone if that counts. I too came back here after doing OK without it for a while. But, now I really need to drop lbs.

    I would have done the same thing in a new living evironment. But good to have tools like this to motivate. I find just tracking helps.

    Anyone know how to set the total calorie goals? I have this running on PC's and my Android and I think i get it set and it seems to spontaneously go up! Not good for me!

  • EmmaEVille13
    EmmaEVille13 Posts: 69 Member
    @hypotrochoid - lmao thank you! your reply so made my day xD

    @kat_beverly91 - that does count indeed! I love knitting and really need to start doing it again but I forgot how to do the very first row! lol

    @russy91 - sent you a request and i looooove rock and metal. worked download festival last year and it was epic xD

    @KittyViolet - there are never too many nerds around in my opinion ^__^
  • Use to be goth (still a metalhead and still a nerd in so many ways) coming soon to the UK with the Airforce would love some new friends as well! Also, I am brand spanking new with myfitnesspal and need/want to lose 50lbs!
  • LittleMissNerdy
    LittleMissNerdy Posts: 792 Member
    Welcome! I love your hair! Feel free to add me! While I'm not a goth I am nerdy! :D
  • Feel free to add, I'm nerdy ^_^ Love video games and MMO's.. Even though I know it's my own fault I'm out of shape, I still like to blame the games, hehe
  • welcome back, ive just joined today. im quite nerdy, love crafting, making cards etc. a play games on my phone and im a bejewelled addict but thats as far as the gaming goes . wishing you lots of luck WE CAN DO THIS x
  • lili89
    lili89 Posts: 78 Member
    I like to consider myself a nerdy goth :) im more than up for a few extra friends with similar interests other than weight loss and motivation :)
  • Daisychain65
    Daisychain65 Posts: 161 Member
    Lol...Nerdy Goths are my favorite, please add me x
  • Alexia_E_K
    Alexia_E_K Posts: 40 Member
    Hello! It is nice to meet you. It seems we have a lot in common. I am also looking for more friends.
  • weetzie882
    weetzie882 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm a librarian so pretty far up there on the book-nerd scale. Don't play a lot of games, but know a lot about them by reading gaming webcomics :P I could definitely use some new friends on here too so feel free to add me if you want.
  • EmmaEVille13
    EmmaEVille13 Posts: 69 Member
    Haha thanks a lot for all the replies. I think I added everyone, if not add me =D
  • SneakyBat
    SneakyBat Posts: 55 Member
    Hello there! I'm an ex old-school gothy type, more into my industrial & 80's cheese these days..also a gamer, ex WoW'er (ssshh! :P), WAR player and now playing LOTRO & attempting to level myself as well as my chars and it's going good so far :)
  • Hi! I'm also a nerdy goth. My name is Ally, I'm a few weeks off my 40th birthday (YIKES!) so Old Skool Goth ;) I like metal, industrial and classic rock too. I'm also into Lord of the Rings, cats, crafting and of course, trying to get healthy. Feel free to add me!
  • Im a nerd please add me!