almond milk?

are there any benefits to drinking almond milk vs. skim milk? besides maybe calories being a little lower?

i was thinking about getting some (the unsweetened vanilla from trader joes i've tried before and enjoy)

is the calcium in almond milk as easily absorbed as calcium in dairy products? also, how does it taste in coffee?


  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    Almond milk is good for people who can't drink dairy. It has less calories. Other then that, I'd say it's up to you. I use it occasionally in my cereal because I don't taste the difference there. In my coffee it's gross.
  • MiTime2016
    MiTime2016 Posts: 50 Member
    Less carbs and it has fiber I think ... I don't have any right now to look on the box.
    I use the vanilla one for cereal or for protein shakes; I'm not a fan of the way it tastes in coffee.
  • cleotherio
    cleotherio Posts: 712 Member
    If you drink milk for the protein content, almond milk is much lower than dairy milk.
  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    I went to a nutrition seminar at my half marathon in October and the nutritionist (who writes the column for Runner's World magazine) and that question came up. She said that almond milk has zero nutritional value and should be avoided. She said go with things like non-lactose milk or rice milk or even soy, though some people can not tolerate that.

    Good luck!
  • amw8675309
    amw8675309 Posts: 95 Member
    thanks! i sort of suspected it might be hype and that there were no real benefits over skim milk since i'm perfectly fine drinking that. especially if its not good in coffee, then i think i'll stick with the plain ol milk
  • _reno_
    _reno_ Posts: 87 Member
    If you drink milk for the protein content, almond milk is much lower than dairy milk.

    This is true. However, if you get the unsweetened vanilla almond milk and add a little vanilla protein powder it is delish on cereal and has better macros per calorie than dairy milk.

    My favorite is unsweetened almond coconut milk with vanilla protein powder, and kashi go lean (9G protein) with fresh berries YUMO

    IMHO it has better flavor, and is thicker than skim milk..
    The only reason we use dairy milk now is coffee and to marinate fish.