Must Fit in Bikini and Skinny Jeans

Hey Yall! I was at my mothers the other week and saw a picture of myself when I was fixing to start college and I could not believe what I have let me body become! I am only 24 and college and working all the time has changed me...not for the better! I am starting this to get healthy and be happy about myself and to be a smaller me. I live in a beach town and am so wanting to go back to the beach with friends and not feel like the biggest one, seems like no one gained weight through college but me out of my friends. Anyone have any awesome advice or work out tips?


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Moderate calorie deficit, progressive strength training, stay consistent. That's pretty much it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    1. Get thick skin (different than thick waist). You will not like everything everyone says to you and it will sometimes contradict your own thoughts and beliefs.

    2. Love yourself and don't let others tell you how you should look. (I'm just as guilty of telling a friend I was going to hold her down and force feed her chocolate cake).

    3. Eat responsibly and exercise when you can.
    4. Don't beat yourself up for enjoying a little treat now & then.
    5. Watch the Sodium.
    6. Drink plenty of water.
    7. Get plenty of rest.
    8. Listen to your body. If you're truly hungry, eat something. If you are aching all over from working out, take a rest day.
    9. Make friends and support each other.
    10. Don't make excuses for why you "can't", just find ways to get the job done.
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member
    Welcome... You've already started. Use this site and track everything you eat. That's the first step. When I first started (which wasn't long ago), I was amazed at how many calories I was eating. If you don't track it, you will not have any long term success. Make better food choices.. eat more whole foods and cut your portions back. As for workouts, I would start running. You live in a freakin beachtown! Checkout some of the other workouts mentioned by the users of this site. Insanity or some of Julian's stuff. Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • jeffsweightloss
    jeffsweightloss Posts: 314 Member
    Hmmm, kidnap all your friends...LOL Well, you've challenged yourself to make changes. You are starting off on a positive note and headed in the right direction. You live in a beach town so you have a lot of motivation. That's a good thing. Being happy with yourself is a big part of life. Welcome to the site and enjoy your journey. Definately try to break each meal down into more frequent, smaller meals. Your body will burn more calories if it has fuel more frequently. Breakfast defines how your day will go. I try to eat more for breakfast and decrease the calories i eat at each meal...but that don't always work. Protein burns more fuel and keeps you satisfied longer. Plus, it's good for building muscle...which in turn needs more calories to maintain itself. Working out with weights burns more calories over a 24 hr period because your body burns calories to repair muscle damage. Cardio burns calories quick for energy. Combine the 2 and you have fast and long lasting calorie burn.