weight loss aids... bad idea??



  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I heard raspberry ketones were great but you have to take the concentrated form, not mixed with anything else to get results. They cost a fortune!

    It's a scam, darling; the proven way to lose weight is calories in vs. calories out. No magic food or pill will facilitate weight loss, and a huge red flag to "scam" should come from the "it costs a fortune!"

    Well there are pills that will but have their own side effects you have to worry about

    Yes, perhaps I should say "healthy" weight loss ;)
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new to MFP...well sort of new. I joined a while ago, and just when I was making progress, my husband and I found out I was pregnant with our second child. The pregnancy was very difficult with many complication - so needless to say: weight loss goal = out the window. Thankfully baby was born happy and healthy, and now that he's 9 months old (and I am NOT having any more kids) I can get back to work on my weight.
    My question is, I have always been VERY slow at losing weight. I usually get very frustrated and give up because my progress is so slow. Someone had mentioned to me that I could take a weight loss aid (e.g.: a detox cleanser, pills etc.) to "jump start my slow system". I'm wondering if they actually work? Is it a bad idea? Are they addictive or a waist of money?
    I really don't want to take something and be in the news for having a stroke from it later.
    Any thoughts?
    I also wouldn't mind a few friends, to help with support. My will power SUCKS! :)

    Make it easier on yourself, don't put yourself in tempting and triggering situations. Don't keep junk food in the house, don't go to the store on an empty stomach and always have a list, don't carry cash you don't absolutely NEED, don't walk past that vending machine or drive past that fast food place, don't make whatever mistakes you make every other time, don't let negative life events stop you being healthy these are unavoidable so plan for the unexpected IYSWIM. This is the sort of stuff that works for people who quit smoking.

    Concentrate on what you can and should eat not what you cannot or should not, count number of servings of things like low sugar fruit, non starchy veggies, reduced fat dairy, oily fish and fibre/ mineral rich foods and be sure you are getting enough of everything. Weight loss is short term, healthy eating is for life and for the benefit of all your family - set an example for your little one, give them habits that will stay with them a lifetime. That should be enjoying healthy meals not starting another crash diet every Monday.

    You say don't keep junk food in the house and then eat lots of reduced fat dairy, so which is it, eat junk food or don't eat it?
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    They won't do anything good or bad for the most part.

    This. The only thing that will cause you to lose weight is a caloric deficit. It's a slow process, but a life-style change is what is going to get you to your goal. Quick fixes are often also quick failures.

    Best of luck with your goals!
  • Colombianchick29
    Colombianchick29 Posts: 298 Member
    I am NO expert, but I have in the past lost weight w/ diet pills. At one point I lost about 40-50 pounds with diet pills.

    side effects:
    felt like i was on drugs!
    heart racing
    cotton mouth
    bad attitude

    took them for over 3 months
    then stopped loosing weight
    just started getting sick!!
    after I stopped taking them, I gained it ALL and MORE back!

    have tried different things along the years, always gained the weight i lost and more of it too!

    not worth it. who knows what the long term side effects will be
  • alicat084
    You should lose weight naturally and not have to rely on any supplements or aids. They are usually a waste of money and the possible side effects are not worth it. You can do it! Work hard and try your best to be patient and you will see results!
  • my_sweet_baboo
    Thanks everyone! Diet and exercise it is!
    Here goes nothing....except the pounds.:happy:
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    I'm using Raspberry Ketones, along with diet and working out 5 to 6 days a week. I purchase them on them over the net. They cost me about $15 a month.
    This is part of the problem, though - any "weight loss aid" proclaims something like "for best results, use along with a balanced diet and daily exercise". People take the supplement, implement a caloric deficit and exercise program, then credit the "weight loss aid" with the results when it's the caloric deficit and exercise that actually did it. By the same token, I could cut calories, work out 6 days a week and eat a donut every day (fitting it within my caloric deficit), then claim that eating donuts made me lose 20 pounds. Confusing correlation with causation is a common (and profound) error.