Anyone else quit smoking?



  • katimari
    katimari Posts: 33 Member
    HA - I Should have read the replys before I posted - I see Allen Carr's book has helped a lot of us :) Yay!
  • ToFatToBeSick
    I quit in August of last year. I put down the pack and took the kids to the mountains to visit family for a week. I removed everything negative and that stresses me out and I quit with barely any mood swings. Get away from stress and you'll be okay. You've made it 4 days already so your on the right track. Most of the people I know how quit failed within the first 24 hours.
  • Angecus
    Angecus Posts: 19 Member
    Today is 7 days completely smoke-free for me. I ca't believe it. I smoked 10 cigs a day for 29 years and never wanted to even try quitting. I didn't even plan to quit for New Years - I just woke up and figured I'd give it a shot (and because my son really wanted me to quit).

    I don't feel like a "non-smoker" yet. I'm so afraid I'll crack...
  • wolfenevo
    I quit 7 days ago using a personal vaporizer. I smoked for 18 years and it saved my life. We as smokers usually have the hardest time with the fact that we enjoy that feeling of smoke hitting our throats and lungs...a PV gives you that sensation without any toxic chemicals...and for the critics, there are liquids out there that contain and DONT contain nicotine so lets not go the whole "nicotine addiction" responses. If you feel like you need to cheat and have a smoke for that feeling, research and invest in a PV (and I'm not talking those drugstore Blu e-cigs). Vaping is not smoking..its Vaping (vapor not smoke). Vaping has the potential to save millions of lives if the majority of smokers give it a shot. People are quick to say, "well, we don't know if its harming us or what it is", sorry to say but tons of research studies are coming out stating that it is not harmful and can be a great harm reduction technique for do you go back to cigarettes which we know for sure will kill you or go for something that, lets be honest, compared to smoking doesn't even come close in toxicity. Vaping is in its infancy but it will make major dents in big watch, Philip Morris etc are sweating right now. Read up people! Angecus..PM me if you want some more info or advice....I'm not advocating you take up another habit for dropping smoking tobacco but I do know how difficult it is to quit tobacco, I quit many times and for the first time ever I have absolutely no interest in smoking a cigarette. (and my liquid has no nicotine in it). Just whenever I eat, drive in my car I use it to curb my cravings...the cravings, not the nicotine get you back to smoking eventually. Good luck!
  • V44V
    V44V Posts: 366 Member
    4 years, 14 weeks, 2 days, 21 hours, 42 minutes, and 46 seconds ago according to my iPhone app. I've apparently saved £11,066.82 and not smoked 31,218 cigarettes...

    Quit cold turkey, craved them for a long time, but haven't looked back.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Honey, I quit back in January 2012...January 16th to be exact. I still have days where I want it, but nothing like when I first quit. I used Chantix, but it made me incredibly loopy. I had to get off Chantix, so I chewed cinnamon sticks by the jarful. The cinnamon stickes helped a LOT!
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    Tomorrow will be five years for me. It was my third attempt. First time was with the patch. It lasted six months and then I started a new job and started back. Second attempt was also with the patch. It lasted a year and then I got a new job. This last time I used lozenges. Since then I have moved across the country and changed jobs, but I'm fine. Zero cravings. It's like I never smoked. I think something in my body chemistry finally changed. During the first two attempts when I grabbed a cigarette again it was like nothing had ever changed. This last time, about three months in while at the bar, I took a few drags off of a friend's cigarette and about gagged. They tasted absolutely nothing like they had before. That was it. On a side note, I'm so glad I quite when I did. They were about $20 a carton when I quit. I looked at prices recently had almost had a heart attack. LOL
  • oldernotwiser
    oldernotwiser Posts: 175 Member
    Congratulations! I smoked my last cigarette at 8:47pm, Sunday night, 4/1/2012 after 48 years. I used the patch and a prescription from my doc for Zyban/Wellbutrin. I was less jittery than I anticipated too. As with you I think it had a lot to do with attitude.

    Aside from being healthier, I love the fact that I don't have to think about cigarettes anymore. Do I have enough for tonight? Will I have something to smoke tomorrow morning? Should I go out tonight and stock up? What a relief!
  • healthymebetterme
    That's me gone a week now! I survived my brother's 18th birthday party without smoking, beyond proud of myself! I even sat beside someone who had gone out for a cigarette and when they came back the smell made me feel sick. I used to smell like that! Well no more and I feel fantastic for it!
  • rae_rae330
    rae_rae330 Posts: 39 Member
    I've been a pack a day smoker for 16yrs and 2013 is going to be my year to quit! going to try and do it cold turkey before turning to the help of any of the aids.
  • SorchaEilis
    SorchaEilis Posts: 99 Member
    I smoked my last cigarette at about 3pm on January 3rd 2013. I've been using the patch since Dec 21st, but untillast week, I was smoking 2-3 cigarettes a day. After that last cigarette on the 3rd, I told myself 'just don't buy anymore. If it turns out to be impossible, the gas station is a 5 minute walk up the street.' It turns out that it wasn't impossible, and though I've been tempted once or twice, I still haven't bought anymore. Today is my first day with the Step 2 patch, and so far I feel okay.

    I've tried several times to quit before without success- 1st with Zyban/Wellbutrin, which I am apparently extremely allergic to, so that didn't work out so well; then off and on a few times with the patch or the lozenges or the gum, then finally, a few years ago I tried Chantix. I didn't like how that made me feel AT ALL, so that didn't work either. So I tried the patch again a few more times without success. I tried cold turkey a few times with absolutely no success- I felt like a monster, so I just went back to smoking. I only quit cold turkey successfully when I got pregnant (twice), but both times I miscarried early and started smoking like a chimney after.

    What's different this time? Why is the patch working? I think it's because I actually WANT to quit smoking this time. It's not that I SHOULD quit or that I NEED TO quit; finally it's that i WANT to quit. I don't mind using an aid like the patch, because it keeps me from feeling like a total witch, and since I'm so far following the step down process, I'm pretty sure that I won't continue the nicotine addiction forever.

    Starting to smoke was probably one of my worst decisions. Sure, it seemed okay at the time, but I think if I knew I'd struggle with quitting for years, I'd never have started in the first place. Good luck to you all! We can get through it, and I think it will be so worth it in the end!
  • staciarose13
    staciarose13 Posts: 51 Member
    Did anyone that used the patch or cold turkey find themselves to be very very emotional in the time immediately after quitting? It's been two weeks for me (I already responded to this thread but just thought of asking this) and I am just a wreck sometimes. If anyone also experienced this, how long did it last??
  • Lotus1026
    6 months smoke free <3 15lbs gained :( it sticks but it was so worth it!!! i feel better and healthier! i went cold turkey for heath reasons so that was my insentive. i have a planned and would mark down every week i was smoke free so that it kept me motivated and accountable! good luck
  • BeyondTrouble
    BeyondTrouble Posts: 62 Member
    Add another Allen Carr success to this list. My partner & I quit cold turkey over 3 months ago. We smoked a pack (sometimes a pack & a half) a day for 13-14 years (with 3 quit attempts that never lasted more than a few days mixed in that timeframe).. We feel great and I never worry ill ever go back to it. I have no reason to.