I'm so hungry. My calorie goal is just not cutting it!



  • lulusmom
    I bumped my calorie intake up over the weekend and it REALLY helped.
  • jilliew
    jilliew Posts: 255 Member
    Just some things to try and help you out after a quick view at your diary. Increase fruits and vegatables. Also either your not drinking water or just not listing it. I do well if I limit carbs, eat protien, fruit and vegatables. Stay away from diet drinks, sweet n low, equal. These will make you feel like you are starving.

    Thanks for actually looking at my diary, to give suggestions! I drink copious amounts of water...I just don't log because it isn't an issue for me. I only drink water, tea or coffee...except for maybe 5 diet cokes a year when I'm working on a deadline (it's a weird association I can't kick lol). I think you are right that more veggies will help. I tried today, but I'm still munchy this afternoon.

    IMO, if you're munchy, munch on veggies!! They are surprisingly filling considering thier calories...