HELP!!! I'm scared to grocery shop!



  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    With snack foods, just don't bring the whole container to the sofa with you. Measure out a serving and make were it fits in your daily calorie/nutrient goals. Once you get an idea of how much your regular foods cost you calorie-wise, you won't have to put so much thought into it.
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    best way to grocery shop is stay around the outside (fruits and veggies, dairy, fresh meats cheeses from the deli, fresh breads (although I'd stay away from these as they are high in carbs) packaged fresh meats, seafood). You can get all the nutrition you need no matter what diet you are on sticking to the outside (unless you are on a twinkie diet, but they don't make twinkies any more so that is just a starvation diet now).
  • I have the same issue. You are not alone! What I do is I sit down on Sat. morning and make a schedule of what I want to eat for the next week. I plan all my meals and snacks to fit into my calorie limit and to be healthy. It takes me awhile but I kind of enjoy it. It helps me to feel in control of the situation. Then I go to my cupboards and figure out what I already have and what I need and I go to the store with a detailed list. I buy only what is on this list. It is hard but like I said with all the planning and the detailed list I feel more in control, and therefore less scared or anxious. Just keep in mind that you are worth all the hard work and time!
    Good luck, you can add me if you want!
  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    One thing I do regarding snack type foods that I know I have trouble with is this.... When I get home from the grocery store I break everything down into serving sizes and put them into snack size zip locks. For instance. I love Nilla Wafers. I take the entire box and break it into servings, puting each serving in the bag. Then I take the baggies and put them in a tupperwear type container. Each time I really want something to snack on, I have what I consider and ok amount. I do this will all the snack type foods.

    Also, check out the skinny cow ice cream selection in your super market. They are really good (and im an ice cream expert).
  • angelacooper3
    angelacooper3 Posts: 32 Member
    New here but lost 35lbs 8 years ago and have kept 21lbs of that off for the last 7 years. I make homemade popcorn and add salt if Im craving chips, far less calories. As for fried chicken a good alternative is chicken thighs with the skin removed dusted in fajita spice powder and roasted in a roasting bag. Im looking forward to eating more healthily and hopefully shifting a bit more weight in the process as it makes me more creative with food and finding alternatives to less healthy options.
  • angelacooper3
    angelacooper3 Posts: 32 Member
    Online grocery shopping is good too as you can check out the calories and nutrients in the comfort of your own home before adding them to your basket.
  • christylindquist
    christylindquist Posts: 32 Member
    I love salty chips! I found a great alternative to the frito lay or doritos. It is a brand called Food Should Taste Good, I love all their flavors but my favorite is Sweet Potato. A serving size is 12 chips, 140 calories, 6 g fat, 18 g carb, 2 g protein. I like them because they are salty and crunchy enough for me to get the craving met but since they are sweet potato, I get full after 12 chips and feel satisfied. I also love peanutbutter but go for the pb2 because it has less fat but same great flavor. Nuts are another great option. I love chocolate as well but try to only purchase dark chocolate because after one square I don't want anymore because it's so bitter. If I have milk chocolate I have to be really careful and measure it out because I could eat the whole bar or bag if I'm not careful. You should not feel bad if you splurge once in a while just continue with portion control and don't eat the whole bag. And it's ok to put chips or chocolate on your grocery list, just remember to log it into mfp so you don't go over your calories.
  • lamby284
    lamby284 Posts: 167 Member
    Nuts are a great way to get fats into your diet. Especially almonds, unsalted are the best or peanuts. We all get those cravings and should allow ourselves their pleasure sometimes but do it after a day that you have done a lot of exercise or as an end of the week reward. Works for me!

    I second this
  • PottsvilleCurse1925
    PottsvilleCurse1925 Posts: 354 Member
    I understand your irrational fear of grocery shopping. I have an irrational fear of pineapple on pizza.