Woman who lift

Hi ladies I'm still pretty new to lifting heavy, but not beginner and I was just curious how long it took you to start seeing muscle tone and is there a specific way I should be eating to maximize my results? Thank you in advance for any and all input :)


  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    And obviously I meant women who lift dang auto correct!
  • KBomar2
    KBomar2 Posts: 157 Member
    I think everyone is different. A few weeks and I can feel a difference but not necessarily see one.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    I think everyone is different. A few weeks and I can feel a difference but not necessarily see one.

    I agree I'm just curious to hear other ladies experiences! :)
  • floopysandi
    floopysandi Posts: 138 Member
    It took me about 6 weeks to see the definition in my upper arms start to really change and in my calves, but I have a long way to go weight loss wise. Those are the spots that I can see with my own eyes... I can feel my body changing under the layers of fat, but it is going to be a long process.
  • I've been weight training for the most part the past 20 years. When I get away from it and add it back to my training, I can feel a difference in a week or two. I can notice a difference in about 4 weeks. It's a process like the other ladies mentioned but well worth the time and effort.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    The purpose of lifting is primarily for the relative preservation of fat-free mass while assuming an energy deficit. The reduction in calories will lead to fat loss which will then ultimately reveal the underlying contour of muscle. The length of time depends on your initial body fat percentage and rate at which it decreases.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    My son . . . is a teenage boy, obviously. Primed for muscle building with testosterone and adolescence. He goes to the gym four times a week and works hard. I think I began to possibly see some changes in three months. At six months, definitely.
    I would think that with six months work you would indisputably see toning, and others would too. That's if you work hard.
    Sorry to impose myself. I realize the thread is directed toward women. But, earlier today there was a question about weight lifting from a woman, and she was mercilessly derided for not knowing stuff and pestering the rest of us with her 'ignorance.' So I have become curious about the woman-and-lifting threads, and how they are received.
    It's funny. You don't see MFP people being catty when someone asks about running.
  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    Yep, everyone is different and it depends on a lot of factors but since you wanted personal experience I will tell you that in my arms and back, I see change very quickly. I tend to be one of those that "bulk up" more in thoses area. Legs and butt, I never noticed changed until I decreased my body fat % and so that took a while. Core....well forget it. I can't seem to get that to change but keep telling myself that 3 major abdominal surgeries are hard to overcome LOL

    But as everyone has said, it all depends on your body fat, body type and how you are lifting
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    about 2 months, not a lot, but starting to see defenition in my arms and back, legs look better in jeans and leggings :bigsmile: still not happy yet, loads of work to do
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    It took me about a month to see muscles in my arms and legs. I was fairly thin already, so I guess the muscle was quite close to the surface - I think it takes longer if you're bigger.
  • paijing
    paijing Posts: 184 Member
    I started seeing differences within two months. It all happens so gradually...suddenly you're looking in the mirror and wondering when this or that dent or definition came in on your legs or arms.

    Slowly, I'm starting to feel firm underneath my skin all over my body. Even if you can't see that effect on the surface, it feels pretty amazing.