Back away from the food...grrr..

smalltowngirl504 Posts: 183
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
For some reason this week, I cant stop eating,and I havent been to the gym since tuesday!, I was going tonight , but holy snow, the roads are crap so I cannot, I think I may shred to make up for it, but I have a headache, someone please tell me to put the plate down and back away... im surely going to gain 50lbs at this rate instead of losing 20...disappointed in myself :(... I will be going to the gym tomorrow and sunday, So please tell me not all is lost..:(


  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    We all slip a little. Have a very small cheat (maybe a little piece of chocolate) and take something for your headache. Just rest and destress tonight. Tomorrow is a bright new day. NOTHING IS LOST! You can do this. I believe in you.
  • JayAlexander
    JayAlexander Posts: 268 Member
    Chin up! We all have tough days (or weeks sometime). Just make up your mind to try harder and do better and you will reach your goals! Don't let the minor setbacks through you off, and if they do get right back on there girl!

    I am having a hard day with food today too! I was sick and left work early and have been lounging on the couch and snacking all day! I might feel well enough for a walk, but if not oh well. Tomorrow is another day!!

    Good luck!
  • FireMonkey
    FireMonkey Posts: 500 Member
    All is not lost - we all have days like that. Hope you feel better soon. This is a lifestyle change; stuff happens in life. Get back into your exercise routine when you feel up to it. If you haven't done so yet, now is the time to stock up on healthy snacks like fresh fruit and veg, so when you want to nibble on something at least it will be nutritious.

    :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Pfft. All is NEVER lost. Isn't that awesome?

    Wait, that sounds sarcastic, but it completely wasn't meant to be. lol
  • raleighgoodwins
    raleighgoodwins Posts: 68 Member
    I had two days like that this week and started beating myself up about it. But today, I resolved that I would do better and I met my calorie goal. Try not to be too hard on yourself - it can create a downward spiral and you might give up. DON'T!! I know you can do it. Just relax and get back into your routine tomorrow. good luck.
  • simona1972
    simona1972 Posts: 355 Member
    All is not lost. Tuesday I was over my cals by about 480, I didnt work out and I still lost. Im not planning on making that a habit, but I accept that it happened and I moved on.

    Tomorrow's another day. And like BrendaLee said...all is NEVER lost :)
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Try to remind yourself why you started this! It's so easy to put food in our mouths when we aren't hungry. Emotions, stress, boredom but that's why we are here trying to lose weight now. Stay strong and keep on moving! Christine
  • Everyone has days like that, you just have to get back on the wagon. Also, I have started looking at the calories in whatever it is I want to eat and most times that stops me. Girl Scout cookies.....2 of them are 130 calories. Do I want to walk on treadmill for about 2 miles to walk them off??? NO!!!!!:noway:
  • Thanks a lot everyone...really helped to read your words..ty :)
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    No worries girl! Everyday is a new challenge. If you slip up one day, then look at the next day as a fresh start. This is not an easy journey. There will be struggles. Life will inevitably throw us a gazillion loops that we must find our way through. If you eat a piece of chocolate or grap a taco on the way home, it's okay. Sometimes, we just need the comfort. But afterwards, instead of feeling guilty, just chalk it up to experience and move on. Learn from your feelings. Maybe write in a journal the feelings you have/had when you ate and/or snacked. And, write down what you did to move past those feelings/emotions. Then, when you are feeling the same way, pull out your journal, read it, and learn from what you did at that moment to get past those feelings.

    Hey, reading takes more time than eating, so if you are feeling blue, you can read and sip some water and then REALLY DECIDE if you are hungry or not!
  • Dear Girl. all is never lost!!!! We all have good and bad days and I can assure you of this. I have lost in the past seven years 150 lbs and I gain and lose and gain and lose!!! Backing away will make you eat more if you are craving something. When that happens eat a small portion of it and that seems to help a lot. I was gaining back and this is why I am on here now, so I will keep you in my thoughts and please do the same for me. TOGETHER WE WILL MAKE IT!!!!
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