New, need friends, and others goals

I am new and know nothing of dieting considering I do a horrible job myself. I did look around online and decided to try and loose 100 pounds because that is how much I have gained. I have a son and baby fat so it is hard and I also don't know how to run. I always run out of breathe being asthma. I am trying to watch my calories and eat healthier but it is hard. i need support or help or to know how others loose weight. I am just so lost and people are not supportive to me instead they say here just eat it. Or it is not a big deal then later say you need to diet. I am at a lost. And this is the most I have ever weighed. It is a bog deal to me because I am angry and depressed everyday and my life is going down hill. I even find myself spending less time with my son due to myself disgust. Please Help!


  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
    You have made the right step in joining MFP. It's the perfect place to be accountable and get motivated! Remember to take baby steps even if it means taking it day by day or meal by meal. Those small steps, with consistency, do make a substantial difference. When you exercise consistently and make more smart food choices than bad ones - THAT is what will get you the change you want. It is not a fast process, but you CAN do it! Good luck on reaching your health fitness goal!
  • ncurtis52
    ncurtis52 Posts: 17 Member
    I am right there with you! If I count the number of times I have "tried" to lose this weight...have "lost" the weight...have "regained" the weight..I am sure I would create a colony of people.

    I made the decision to track my food, but am also getting all hormones tested, and working with a coach...I don't like to use the term "diet" as it seems self-defeating. I am "recreating" my body size...

    I will join your efforts if you would like a partner. :heart:

  • gimmegimmemoar
    gimmegimmemoar Posts: 213 Member
    Hi there!!! Feel free to add me :) Slowly learning how to get this weight off the right way myself! I'm on here daily and am always up for mutual support!