Motivated in 2013!

Hi! I am 29 and a mother to two amazing girls. I have been a member on MFP off and on for some time. I am no stranger to yo yo dieting I get motivated and then I loose motivation and fall back into bad habits. Enough is enough! My goal for 2013 is to get on track and make good healthy choices not only for myself but my family too. I joined us all up to the YMCA and my best friend joined as well and so far we have stayed very motivated together! I have high hopes for a successful year! I currently weigh in at 316 a complete 100lbs more than I weighed after giving birth to my second daughter in 2006. I am ashamed at how out of controll I have let myself get, but that stops this year! My short term goal is to get down to 290 and then from there 260, 230, and so forth! I am intriducing myself and sharing my story so that maybe I can also make some friends with similar goals and help motivate them and they can motivate me :) feel free to add me! I look forward to my future here! :smile:


  • tpt1950
    tpt1950 Posts: 292 Member
    You have made the right step in joining MFP. It's the perfect place to be accountable and get motivated! Remember to take baby steps even if it means taking it day by day or meal by meal. Those small steps, with consistency, do make a substantial difference. When you exercise consistently and make more smart food choices than bad ones - THAT is what will get you the change you want. It is not a fast process, but you CAN do it! Good luck on reaching your health fitness goal!