I hit my first short-term goal today.

cmw72 Posts: 390 Member
This whole thing started back in December when we received a Wii for X-mas.

My wife was excited about the fitness possibilities and as such, I bought her a Wii Fit and EA Sports Active shortly after the new year.

I was interested in using it as well, so I looked to see what the weight limit was. I was disheartened to see that it maxed out at 330.

I hadn't weighed myself in probably years, but I dusted off the scale, took a deep breath, and stepped up onto it.

Then I nearly feinted when it told me I was pushing 370.

I literally freaked out. Guys don't typically freak out about their weight, but I was just so crushed. I went through a number of emotions that night... sorrow at how far I'd let myself go, anger, for the same reason, fear of what my life would become and how I was trading time on this earth with my wife and daughter for cheeseburgers and pizza. I always assumed I was somewhere between 330 and 350, but something about being a lot closer to 400 than 300 really got to me. I hardly slept that night.

The next day I started a diet, but I had no guidance. A couple days later, I was playing with my iPhone when I started to wonder if there were any cool iPhone apps that could help me. I found an app called FatWatch that I paid $9.99 for, only to find out that it essentially just lets you record your weight (I got burned on that one). I had read a bit about the Hacker Diet, and one of the important factors is recording your caloric input, so I started looking for an app that would accomplish that goal. I found the MFP app, and was impressed. And to think ... it was FREE! I went to the website, and I was even more impressed. Here was a whole community of people just like me. It was like Facebook for fitness ... Suddenly I didn't feel so alone.

That was 54 days ago. In that time I have lost 36 pounds and I weighed in this morning at 329.0. In the past 54 days I've completely changed my diet. At first I relied heavily on Subway. I ate there every day for a month. But now that I had a handle on calories, I started looking at other factors. MFP was quick to point out that my new-found love of Subway was causing me to consume an inordinate amount of sodium every day. So, I retooled and now I rarely "ear fresh", as it were.

I still can't exactly rock the Wii Fit ... well, unless I'm naked and have recently used the restroom ... But I'm not worried about it. I know that in a few days, I'll achieve that goal as well. This site has given me the confidence to see where I'm going, and what I can achieve, and that means a lot more to me than a cheeseburger from McDonalds.

So ... now my next goal is 300. And I'm confident I'll hit it, and in a reasonable amount of time no less. I'm going camping for a week in August and I'm hoping to be in the 270's by then. It might be tough, but I think I can do it.

So, this turned out to be wordier than I intended, and probably wordier than it deserves. I've lost 36 pounds, and sadly, any sense of inner pride I feel is just that, inner pride. Aside from my wife, nobody else has even noticed. And if somebody saw me for the first time, they'd probably look down on me as just some seriously over weight guy. But that's ok. I'm going to hang on to my inner pride, and let it grow while I continue to shrink.

And whether you know it or not, you're all a little bit responsible, because it's this community that has really kept me going over these last 54 days. It really does seem like we're all in this together.

So, thanks. :)


  • mszSHOGAN
    mszSHOGAN Posts: 2,278 Member
    WAY TO GO! Keep doing what you're doing and you WILL hit your next goal!
  • jusimm
    jusimm Posts: 28
    Way to Go! You are an inspiration to me and I'm sure many others. Keep up the good work. We can all do it!
  • kellycrow
    FANTASTIC!!! That is amazing! Keep it up --- keep on that inner pride... you aren't doing this for other people to notice - you are doing this for your health and to be there longer for your wife! Congratulations!! :o)
  • genma1987
    genma1987 Posts: 43 Member
    Awesome! Don't worry about people not noticing...once you start buying new clothes, people will start paying attention, and they will notice! But remember that in the end it doesn't matter what people think, it's how you feel, and how healthy you are becoming. People's opinions aren't worth much (at least to me!)
  • StrengthInPain
    StrengthInPain Posts: 155 Member
    that's so awesome!! i especially liked the part when u realized u were trading time with your family for pizza and cheeseburgers. unfortunately my dad is that way, but he hasn't had his wakeup call yet. well actually he has, he has just chosen to ignore it rather than do anything serious about it. he thinks that because he works out for an hour 3x a week and takes his diabetes medication, he can eat whatever he wants. i'm happy for you and your family that you have decided to become healthier. keep up the greay work!
  • amy_marie
    amy_marie Posts: 130 Member
    Chris, 36 pounds lost is an amazing accomplishment! Don't doubt it, you are doing a great job! Keep it up! :happy:
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    WONDERFUL!!! Such an inspiration!!!!!!! :bigsmile: The emotions you spoke up - I remember well... the mourning for the old and once was you... but you are finding him!!!!! What an accomplishment! Keep it up and you will be at your goal in no time!!!! Congratulations!!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss!!! You are doing fantastic!!!! You have the drive to accomplish every goal you are setting for yourself. You spoke with so much passion, it is very inspiring. I wish you the best on your weight loss journey! :happy:
  • mmrose00
    mmrose00 Posts: 253 Member

    You are AMAZING and an inspiration to us ALL! Congrat's to you for achieving your first goal!!! :bigsmile:

    Your story is so encouraging and moving because I believe your story in a way represents all of our stories...Thanks for sharing we look forward to hearing more. Cheers to your continued success on your weight loss journey!!:drinker:
  • jdcole67
    jdcole67 Posts: 108 Member
    Congratulations! Thank you for posting this - I have a long way to go for my ultimate goal as well, and it is so encouraging to know others have success on this program - keep up the great work and please keep posting your progress - I need all the inspiration I can get!
  • a3anthony
    a3anthony Posts: 4 Member
    Thats AMAZING!!! Keep up the great work!!! :)
  • taz1978
    Whey Hey Chris you rock - what an inspriational post - thank you. You can and you will do it. Keep up the great work - here'ss a little non cal toast! :drinker:
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    36 pounds is a small child, a medium sized dog and like 3 bowling balls. That is a SUPER accomplishment. You totally ROCK!! I congratulate you on that accomplishment, but (and though I don't even know you)- I really am proud of you more for your change in mindset- all the things you have learned, your re-commitment to your family in your decision to be healthy, and your ability to be proud of yourself while giving thanks to some strangers who tried to help you out. That is certainly something to be proud of as well.

    Super Job! You deserve some sort of reward for hitting your goal- maybe tickets to a game or a poker night or whatever you are into... give it some thought.
  • boniekatie
    Absolutely Beautiful. Just the right amout of words. Thank you so much for sharing. Keep up the good work, and that inner pride. Keep rocking away, and melting off that fat. I am sure that you will be feeling great in time for your campout and you may be surprised at how soon others will start to notice, but no matter. You are wonderful and beautiful. You are brave and intellegent. You have made a great change in your life and you will be better for it. God bless MFP, and God bless you too.
  • naesdestiny
    naesdestiny Posts: 677 Member
    I love how you are looking at things.....I guess I never thought that I was trading in time with my family for food that I love but shouldn't love so much. You are doing so awesome! Keep this up and you will be there in no time at all. It won't be long and you can play Wii too. I don't have the Wii fit but just the regular Wii and some of those games will give you a good workout too because we put everything we got into them!! Good luck!
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    Everyday i watch your notifications to see how you are doing and i am so impressed, you are doing so well, GOOD JOB!!!!!

    Good luck for the rest of your journey :drinker: :laugh:

    Jax x
  • sonjavon
    sonjavon Posts: 1,019 Member
    Chris - Awesome! I loved your post and I cried reading it. I totally got what you said about it hitting hard that you were closer to 400 than 300... that's what happened to me last year when I realized I was closer to 300... yikes - I'm only 5'2! I love your commitment to your family and more than that - I love your commitment to yourself! Congratulations on the great work and I look forward to reaching the rest of our goals together!

    Awesome job!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I'm so glad you posted this and shared your success! Congratulations on making these changes, day by day, choice by choice. You deserve to feel healthy and strong - and your family deserves to have you around for a long long time.

    Your post was very touching and inspiring, I hope we see and hear more from you. Have an excellent day!
  • destiny_206
    destiny_206 Posts: 430 Member
    Great job!
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Your story is an inspiring testimony about commitment and the role of encouragement. So glad that you made your goal and are well on your way to becoming a healthier person. Kudos to you!
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