Well, you can tell everyone is on the diet wagon!

tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
edited January 8 in Chit-Chat
I stopped in yesterday to our local grocery store because they had Lean Cuisines on sale and I picked up a few I thought I would like to take to work. Found that I loved the one I ate last night and went to get some more today and the WHOLE case was just about picked clean! Went to another local store (better deals on drink stuffs) saw THEY had a sale going on and their case was picked totally clean!

:/ Guess Im gonna have to wait for the next sale cuz NO way am I paying 4.99 for a fricken frozen dinner. No matter how good it was. And it was a chinese one, so I figured that frozen meal was better than going to a restaurant for it...


  • Windy_
    Windy_ Posts: 1,012 Member
    And all those people buying up lean cuisines will be complaining in a few weeks that they haven't lost any weight.
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