What are YOUR favorite healthy snack?

I am sure others have asked this same question however I am on the rebound and would like fresh ideas. Key word here is "healthy".

I love
Fresh sliced cukes and carrots with 2 TBSP of "Bolthous Farms" classic ranch yogurt dressing.
A sweet juicy apple and a lowfat cheese stick.
A clementine and a 100 cal pack of unsalted nuts
A 3.5 oz Chobani Champions yogurt with 1 TBSP of wheat germ.
An arnolds flax and fiber sandwich thin with a 40 calorie Alouette spreadable cheese (cut up into little triangles)
A berry smoothie made with skim milk, frozen berries, stevia and a scoop of vanilla protein powder.

Share with me your ideas. I try to have a protein with my fruits and veggies snacks.


  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Yesterday I had a new favourite: very low fat soft cheese (1/4 pack, 65g) mixed with 'no added anything' peanut butter (2 tbsp), fat reduced cocoa powder (1 tbsp) and a little natural sweetener served with a pile of mixed berries. Loads of protein and minerals!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member