help for 'food-dealers'

Hi. I'm a mid-50s, empty-nested single mom who is also a minister. We have many, many food-centered activities. I need no-drama ways of not participating in the cakes, cookies, and sugar-extravaganzas that are part and parcel of my beloved southern members expressions of love.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Start a ministry for the overweight in your flock. I'm from the South, and even though I understand the tradition, it is not good for them spiritually to be abusing their bodies! It's a slow death, both physically and spiritually.

    I would say you are setting a good example if you choose not to eat the sugary foods. It's a type of spiritual bondage, just like smoking and drinking. We do not need sugar. Over-eating is wasteful. That money could be better spent on the needy - buying them beans and rice would be a much more meaningful thing to do than indulging a weakness of over-eating.

    As far as the drama, well, that pretty much goes without saying, right? You as a minister ought to be above that.You have no control over the actions and reactions of others - and they can cause all the drama they like. If they want to act childishly, that is their weakness. You just take the high road.

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I love the idea of getting others in your church to join you in your weight loss journey. Rev Rick Warren is doing just that and I commend him. And with the support of others in their church people are more likely to succeed.

    But tackling your own weight loss goal is certainly more than enough. As to your original question, one thing that really helped me was remembering these great quotes other MFPers shared: "Every decision you make as to what you eat and how you move your body either brings you one step closer to better health or one step further away. You decide." and "Do not give up what you want the most for what you want in the moment". It really IS about choice.

    I'm also in my 50s and have been in maintenance for 6 months now. Send me a friend request if you like, I'm very upbeat and encouraging!
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Surely as a minister you have some say in the activities at the church. Our parish has coffee, juice, and donuts every Sunday- even on the Sundays we're having free cholesterol checks. I think parishioners need to speak up and let their church leaders know they should have healthier foods so everyone can share in the fellowship.

    I can't stand drama. I'd rather just speak to my pastor privately than make comments to other parishioners. I also need to remember that not everyone feels the same way I do.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    By the way- there are several Christian groups on here you should join. Discussions about religion aren't received well in the main forums. I think to respect others on this site, it's a good policy. I'm in Christians Unite and Catholics Unite.