Busy working parents

I am new here.

It feels like between work and my busy children's schedules, there just isn't time to fit in diet and exercise. It is EASIER to be fat :laugh:

I would love to find others struggling to find time to fit in exercise and plan out healthy foods while working full time and raising kids.

My kids are 10 and 13, with the 10 year old in competitive soccer (practice three times a week, plus games) and the 13 year old doing a variety of activities, including volley ball, babysitting and after school activities.

EDITED to add: don't mean to exclude non working parents -- can't edit the title -- I know the struggle to find the time can be equally daunting.


  • gaynorv
    gaynorv Posts: 33 Member
    Hi I know what you mean : ( this year though I'm trying to take a little time for myself ... Even if it is just to exercise! Have put some Equiptment in the garage and my boys use it too ages 11, 9, 6 and 4. Hope it lasts after I return to work in Monday lol.
  • angelacooper3
    angelacooper3 Posts: 32 Member
    The food is easy enough but as a single mum that's out of the house for over 12 hours a day I'm soooo with you on the exercise. The sofa is way more appealing
  • sheenap10
    sheenap10 Posts: 4 Member
    Completely agree - I not only work full time and have two busy kids, but do all sorts of additional voluntary work too - a lot of which is sedentary so it sometimes feels impossible to focus on weight loss! Help!!!!
  • crreed80
    Ha, you had me at “it’s easier to be fat!” I know how you feel, after I began taking college classes at night (working mother as well) I steadily gained weight….weight I had just finished losing! I would love to hear how other people work exercise into their schedules!
  • JerseyPook
    I'm a single mom. My family all lives 1000 miles away. I have two boys - 10 and 6. Between soccer, school and working full-time; I agree it can be tough. Tough, but not impossible!!! Here are some of my tips:

    *My boys are with their dad every 3 days (that's how our schedule works) - so on those days; I hit the gym. On days when I have the boys; I work out at home...usually my cardio - like an Insanity work out.

    *I sometimes eat different meals than I feed the boys. I know that sounds like a hassle; but, I do a lot of my cooking on the weekend and have it all week long.

    *Don't let your family be your crutch - in other words...no excuses (this was a HARD one for me to overcome). However, the weight didn't get there overnight and it's not gonna leave that way. So you have to DEDICATE yourself to losing it.

    *For those who are married - schedule time for yourself - just like you schedule everything else going on...get your spouse on board with your plan (and your kids too - mine know when mommy's working out at home; they have to find ways to take care of themselves for 30-40 minutes)!!

    Feel free to add me and I'll do my best to help keep you motivated!! You can do it!!!
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    Some friend requests sent out. I look forward to hearing how you are all balancing things out.
  • shgreenw
    shgreenw Posts: 194 Member
    I'm right there with you all! I've got a full time job, my husband sometimes travels for work and I've got three kids that are 3, 6 and 7. I'm lucky in that I live very close to my job and i can work out at home at noon. I usually take an hour and a half lunch (I go in at 5:45 AM in order to get a longer lunch). I'm doing Insanity but also fitting in runs when I can/want to.