New Year, New Me

moriuh Posts: 72 Member
This isn't (really) a New Years Resolution thing, I've been dieting since August, but I've never introduced myself here. My name is Moriah, but everyone calls me Mori. I just turned 18 last month. I've been overweight my whole life. I live in Florida, and I'm the 'fat friend' among my friends, which I don't want to be anymore.
I have a fandom tumblr, and fitness tumblr ( if you're interested), which is where I spend most of my time. I watch a lot of TV shows and get emotionally invested in them. I also loving comics, and most of the things I do are influenced by Stephanie Brown. Laci Green is my idol (which is basically me say I'm sex positive, body positive, gender positive, and basically a social justice blogger but not an obnoxious *kitten* one).
I have mild social anxiety so I'm not really good at talking to people, but I'm way better online than I am offline.
BASICALLY, I'm just looking for some people to talk to and to help motivate me, preferably around my age, but I'm not incredibly picky.


  • moriuh
    moriuh Posts: 72 Member
    also when i'm ignored i start signing "All By Myself" loud and off key.
  • Hi Moriuh. This is my first time on the message boards here and your the first person I have comminucated with on here. I also live in florida! I joined MFP in April 2011 but didn't stick to it. I have been off track for quite awhile and am ready to get back on. I'm like you and have spent all my life overweight. I lost quite a bit over 5 years ago but it;s slowly creeping back up on me. My main focus I want to work on is getting and staying in shape. Weight loss that comes with it I'm taking as a bonus :). I just want to feel better about myself and how my clothes fit. Thats one of my problems too, this florida heat. It deters my workouts b/c I hate being so sweaty and having to wash my hair everyday. But I guess I need to suck it up and get over it. lol. Now my complaint is it's too cold in the morning...smh I need to stop making excuses already. I just re-downloading this app yesterday and this time I'm sticking to it! It's day 2 and going well. I feel better already! I have been getting motivated see women who have lost wieght on pinterest and this great blog I have found NIK GETS FIT. She has been a great motivation especially on her fb fan page. There are so many encouraging and inspiring women. Nice to know I'm not alone.
  • I understand the anxiety I have a few forms of it especially socially. I have found on here everyone is friendly and some have similar goals.