looking for other busy moms



  • jw17695
    jw17695 Posts: 438 Member
    Hello I'm Jillian. I have a 20 month old daughter and work full time (school part time). My husband doesn't work in the winter so it's pretty much just me supporting the three of us and our two crazy Aussies.
  • Imanido
    Imanido Posts: 186 Member
    I am a mum to two very little ones, I also work from home as a translator and (partly) homeschool, my hubby works shifts and he is never at home. So it seems I am just myself with the kids 24/7. I don't have a chance to go to a gym, but I do my daily workouts at home, in the night after the children have gone to bed. I have had a bit of a break for Christmas and starting tomorrow logging seriously. I log daily and I would love to befriend any of the busy mamas of this thread, we have soo much in common. Feel free to send me a request.
  • Imanido
    Imanido Posts: 186 Member
    My kids are both in school and I work about 55 hours a week. So what I've started doing is going to the gym as soon as I drop them off for school. When my oldest was little I was able to stay home with him for a little while. I found a workout video that was for kids. We would do it together. He loved it. My entire family are picky eaters. So if they are having something that is NOT healthy for me to have I just have a frozen meal under 30 0 calories. Or I do a few veggies.

    I would be really interested to know what workout video you found. It seems appealing to find something that they can also get involved with while you workout. I might try to find something for my little ones as well, at least it would be worth a try.
  • hawkercindy
    Hi, I am a very busy mom also. I have 4 children ages 7 to 20 and work full time. I am new to this and just joined last week. I am trying to loose 25lbs and can never find. Time to exercise or eat. Healthy. Seems like we are always eating on the go. My husband needs to loose 50lbs, so we are going to try to do this together. I would love buddies, feel free to add me.