I'm a newb... <3 (@_@)) <3

Hi everyone! I just signed up and could use the support of anyone willing (^_^) I am a mother of two children under the age of two and recently graduated collage online. I gained 80lbs with my first born and settled at around 220 after my daughter was born. I lost 20lbs while working at a local nursing home, but once i left there I easily gained back 10lbs.. =( I realize that is due to less activity and i want to change that. I also spend a lot of time now looking for work via the internet and since "Winter Is Coming' I don't take my children out as often as I use to especially with this new H3N2v strain of the flu virus going around PA. I can't risk them getting sick, so since long walks up hill both ways are out of the question and i find myself eating more and more... I could really use all the help I can get, the kind a personal trainer would give.. (^_^) in return I will give you friendship, understanding, support and the encouragement you long for <3