Gym Witch

I met a gym wiitch today while working out. She and her friend moved into the free weight area and preceded to take over. They repositioned the weight benches so they had two spaced out as they wanted leaving the other two touching. Took pairs of 5, 10, 25, and 40 lbs weights EACH. Weighted until some finished with the bars and took the 20and 30 lb bars. Piled all the equipment by their benches then Placed towels on the bench press. And proceeded to work out. I went to use one of the remaining benches and started to move it when she yelled at me not to move it as she needed the space. No please. Just don't. I proceeded to tell her I could weight on the bench but my next set needed weights she had piled up but wasn't currently using. She told me I'd have to weight. I just shook my head and moved out of the room. If one of the trainers had been available I would have spoken to them. What makes people act like that? Really ruined my day!


  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    I would have went and found someone who works there, you pay for a gym membership too and they need to learn to play nice and share the gym
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    wow that's rude.

    people act like that at the gym (and everyone else) because no one confronts them on their bad behavior. entitled people continue to think they are entitled because usually people dont want to tell them to back off.

    i would have moved the bench anyway. you're paying your membership just the same as she is. i also would have used the weights she wasnt using. i wear headphones anyway and even when i dont i'm really good at ignoring people, so she could have yelled all she wanted.

    something similar happened to me. i was needing to use one of the open squt racks and there was a woman doing lunges and sit ups and stuff on a mat between the 2 squat racks. since someone was using the other rack, she was very close to the one i wanted to use.

    i told her i was going to use the squat rack so she might want to back up. she pretty much ignored me. so i figured ok i tried. i started setting my weights up and she bent down i thought because i was racking weights. but she stood up and clocked herself in the head :laugh: she started yelling at me about needing space for her workout and i was like OK but these are squat racks. dont workout between squat racks.

    she backed her mat up a little, but of course once i took the bar to squat i also backed up and she ran into the bar again. at this point she started yelling at me again and complaining but i didnt even turn down my music or takeoff my headphones. she ended up telling one of the trainers in the gym but they know me at that gym (she's new), know i'm all about weights and know better than to tell me i need to wait to use the squat rack so someone else can do her situps and lunges :laugh:

    she ended up storming off.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    how could something like that "ruin your day"?
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    mesha knows how to properly respond in these situations. :)
  • Peaches516
    Peaches516 Posts: 104 Member
    Laces is right - don't let it ruin your day! They were obviously very rude and way too possessive over the weights. You have to say something to one of the trainers or the managers next time you go to the gym so that they'll be on the look-out for those four women. Sheesh.
  • geekpryncess
    geekpryncess Posts: 118 Member
    I would have said something snarky to her like "Wow, I finally met a real Gym Witch!" and left it at that. Let her ponder over what that meant! And I wouldn't have left.
  • AdamBellfpt
    AdamBellfpt Posts: 224 Member
    Well if she was at the gym I work at her membership would have been suspended and we'd be looking to terminate it ASAP! The equipment is there for EVERYONE to use….and I get wanting a few different weights, BUT not for more than a few mins!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    People like that are scary. Once some crazy woman at the gym yelled at me for 'going on the weights out of sequence' I was like lol WUT. I told her I could do the weights in any order I pleased. She kept yelling and following me so I yelled back LEAVE ME ALONE! She actually had the gall to look surprised that I yelled back. Crazy bat! Then she marched off muttering to herself. Later in the week she came into the locker room and tried to put her stuff in the locker next to mine...I moved to another locker! Every time I see her I give her a wide berth.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    when i have to set stuff like that up what i usually do is
    - do the routine on a non busy day like a saturday
    - set myself up in an empty class room where i can spread out
    - make use of things like step risers to approximate a bench
    - move all the equipment i need into that area.

    the gym indulges me in this behavior, the only rule they seem to have about it was that i couldnt move the olympic barbell and plates into the classrooms because it might mess up the floor. i got approval on the pre-loaded barbells though

    i know the gym equipment is first come first served for the most part, but when i plan on hoarding things like kettlebells and preloaded barbells i at least try to do it in an out of the way place where no one can see i'm the one with all the stuff they may need. :laugh:

    also, i think it's weird that the OPs gym only has 1 set of weights, especially weights those sizes. if there is only set set of 10's, 20's, etc then the gym is sort of inviting bottleneck
  • Susan_12
    Susan_12 Posts: 8 Member
    Next time it happens remind them that you don't pay your membership fees to them. Then continue on with your workout.