6 or 7 day a week workouts?

For all the workout buffs; Do you work out every day of the week? Or do you give yourself (and your muscles) one day off?
I work out every day. I used to work out for about 40 min's a day, then it became 60, then 75, now it's regularly 2 hour a day workouts.
My legs are feeling tired, and I am wondering if I am going too far?
Who works out 7 days a week... anyone out there?


  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I always have 2 rest days from lifting, though on one of them I usually either get in a longer run or do some sort of flexibility training, like yoga. :-)

    Give your body a break... and about quarterly, take a week to deload (lift lower weights or take a week off).
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    You definitely need to give your body time to rest - this is essential to prevent overuse injuries. That doesn't mean you can't be active on your rest days - stretching, walking, easy to moderate hikes, restorative yoga practices are great ways to increase blood flow to recovering muscles.
  • kimcalica
    kimcalica Posts: 525 Member
    I work out every morning, but I know my limits, I want to burn calories and build stamina. I usually do a 1 hour aerobic workout video, and some general weight training and ab work. Lately I've had the energy and stamina to even enjoy more active things in the afternoon like walks or dance games. Some days, if I feel overworked, I take it easy and rest, but I think I've got a great balance. :)
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    I didn't even think to ask- what KIND of workouts are you doing?

    Lifting is hard on the CNS, as are some other exercises, so resting is very important for recovery and progress.
  • castell5
    castell5 Posts: 234 Member
    I run, I do alot of running. When I can, I run for an hour at 6.9 on the treadmill, then I walk uphill and at a pace of 5.2 on a 2% incline. I also run in 2 minute sprints at a 3% incline 9.0 speed.
    Major leg work, hips, butt.
  • I do 2 hr workout also. but only 6 days a week. I have to have 1 day of rest
  • finshstrong
    finshstrong Posts: 12 Member
    I strength train three to five days a week (the other two out of the five, I work on muscles that were not worked on during regular training. so each group gets a rest. I do the eliptical for thirty minutes afte strength training three days a week; and, I do the eliptica two days for one hour. I do a stretch class on Saturday followed by Zumba.

    Within a half our after I work out (strength training) I driink a protien shake to help my muscles recover. Six days a week is good for me.

    You MUST listen to your body. If your body is having fatigue and its just really hard to make it through your work outs stop putting in so much time Your muscles actually NEED a day of rest to recuperate; that's why I work the different muscle groups throughout the week so they can rest.

    Sunday is a day of rest for our family. By Monday I feel completely refreshed and ready to go. I hope this helps It works for me, but everyone is different. I do know for a fact though you have to rest your muscles so that they can rebuild themselves. :)