Tape Measurement Frequency!

I just took my weight, BMI, Body fat and Body water, plus tape measurements. :sad: I am properly horrified, but trying to stay encouraged because the reason I am here is to CHANGE those numbers. My question to all you tape measurement pros is this: how often do you tape measure?? I'm thinking monthly or quarterly? I don't want so much time to pass that I get off track- this is what happens if I don't weigh myself fairly often. But I also don't want to measure myself so often that I get discouraged. Any pointers? Thanks!


  • emmylouwho__
    emmylouwho__ Posts: 13 Member
    I like to weigh/measure every monday.
    But this is because im doing a 30 day workout (Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred), and its very intense, so I like to keep myself motivated with results.
    So 1 a week is fine. Sometimes there will be big changes, sometimes just minor or non at all.. but it will help you push even harder.
    The weighing in I recommend doing it on the same day (lets say monday) and choose a time preferably in the morning when you wake up at the same time every day. This is because your weigh fluctuates throughout the day, and this will make your weigh ins more consistent!

    Hope it helps, any more questions message/add me :)
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    I weigh weekly.
    I tape every 10 lbs or so
    I plan to take progress pictures every 20 lbs or so.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    I weigh daily and log it, loss or gain. Measurements are once a week on Sundays. I do progress pics every 25# or at an important milestone such as my 1 year in 4 days (haven't lost 100# yet).

    Measure your progress when you're comfy.
  • Pretty_Mrs
    Thank you everyone. I guess I'll learn what works over the next few months. In the meantime. I need to focus on consistency!!!!!!!!!!
  • mwownbey
    I guess I am one of the crazies that gets on the scale every day, I will only post here on Fridays. I think measuring once a month will be good for me so hopefully I will be able to see changes and help with the motivation issue!!! Good luck!!!
  • MaggieKillNMaul
    MaggieKillNMaul Posts: 24 Member
    I probably weigh weekly (Same day, same time roughly), but I only do measurements and photos every three months. I tend to be more motivated if I see greater results, even though I'm seeing them less frequently.
  • WickedPixie1
    WickedPixie1 Posts: 111 Member
    I weigh every two weeks and measure monthly.
    I found that when I first started, I lost a lot of inches quickly (whole body total), but then it tapered off. I figured a lot of this was down to losing retained fluid and being bloated from all the crap I had been consuming. Once that was purged from my system, the results were more stable and accurate...even if it was a bit disappointing to not see huge numbers like I did initially.
    Ultimately, I don't want to be a slave to the numbers. I just want to be healthy and fit. As I lose inches from cardio and weights, I know the numbers will start to contradict at some point while the mirror and clothes tell a different story.
    I've got spreadsheets for logging everything on, keeping track of my progress and recalculating my numbers every other month to make sure I'm making the correct adjustments as I get in better shape.