Anyone have results from Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred?

I'm on day 4 of the shred. I'm less sore today then I was on days 1 and 2. My endurance is building, but I fear I'm not going to lose inches or weight. I haven't budged on the scale or measuring tape in 3 months, and I'm hope the shred changes that. Have any of you had success on the shred? What were your results? Any comments?


  • emchip1983
    Hi ive just started this to, im hoping for results also. best of luck x
  • robinr515
    I lost 14 pounds and 14.5" overall doing the shred 5 days a week (it took 6 weeks start to finish).
  • Stefanny91
    Stefanny91 Posts: 223 Member
    I've done it once before ( I started it again im on day 3) and it really dos help you lose inches, I lost about 7.5lbs when i did it last but 2-3 inches off pretty much everything! Keep it up it is worth it xx
  • lili89
    lili89 Posts: 78 Member
    I finished the shred just before Christmas, i lost about 7lb and toned up a lot , didn't measure unfortunately, i wish i had! My advise would be don't just go by the scale,measure as well :)
  • BlueLadyBug22
    BlueLadyBug22 Posts: 156 Member
    I am on day 5, I feel stronger and I have much more endurance. I use to have to pause after a few jumping jacks and now I am going strong. I will update as I get further into it.
  • Hopeful_
    Hopeful_ Posts: 39 Member
    I found each level quite challenging the first maybe 3 or 4 times, but after that they get easier and by the end I wondered what I ever found hard about it at the start. I lost between 1- 1 & a half inches off my waist after just level 1 and a some of level 2. I lost a couple lbs aswell, but I'm pretty sure this was mainly due to eating less, and I'd say 30DS will help more with inch loss and toning, than it will with weight loss. But add it in as a workout, and with eating well, you'll lose weight!
  • gr14
    gr14 Posts: 19 Member
    the people who lost weight - did you do any other exercise or just 30DS? :)
  • asaunders1981
    I'm on day 5 today. Haven't weighed or taped myself in about a year, too scared to, so I will only be able to tell if it is working by the way my clothes fit. But I have seen lots of success stories on here from people who have done it, and more often than not people are always really happy with their results, usually more so in terms of inches lost and tone gained rather than weight lost. Just search out 30 DS on here and the success stories/pics are there (if i knew how to post the link to bring you directly there I would...)
  • Miss_Z_87
    Not sure about 30 day shred? Have you tried turbofire? Its fun and has lots of variety. I've only been doing it for a week and have lost 1.7kg so far. I did start doing a Jillian Michaels workout, but got bored. I've heard good things about turbofire and that people have seen awesome results. Turbofire >>>>>

    Anyhow, good luck on your weight loss journey :)
  • CloverCreeper
    CloverCreeper Posts: 178 Member
    L1D4. I've noticed that I look a bit more toned
    but it's too early to tell.
  • xxvogue
    xxvogue Posts: 172 Member
    I just started, so I'm hoping to hear good things from everyone. However, I've certainly seen success stories posted here!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    I did it in the past (had to stop due to injury). I found I lost inches way more then I lost weight while doing it. I also have had a lot of friends say the same thing. So, don't be shocked if the scale doesn't move too much but remember to take your measurements!
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    You might want to join the 30 Day Shred discussion area and post this there. That's where all the hard core shredders hang out! We also have a daily check in discussion topic which we all post in every day after our shred. I'm on Day 7 of Level 1... too soon to tell.
  • ldwash405
    ldwash405 Posts: 23 Member
    I had good results from her 30 Day Shred and Burn Fat Boost Metabolism DVD's. I started at a weight of 189 and I went down to 162. I hit a plateu and stayed at 162 for awhile and I got discouraged. Eating got good and I didn't exercise as much so therefore I started gaining the weight back. The weight gain was my downfall, but Jillian Michael DVD's do work.
  • sam45890
    sam45890 Posts: 43 Member
    I did it last year, but not evefry day, I did it about 3 times per week and did each level about 10 times before moving up to the next, plus other cardio (zumba and swimming which i had been doing already). After 6 weeks doing it I suddenly got loads of people telling me I looked great. I don't know how much weight i lost but I definitely got more toned and got stronger arms, legs and abs. Good luck.
  • LisaGirlfriend
    LisaGirlfriend Posts: 493 Member
    make sure you're eating enough to keep up with it. It burns at least 150 calories for me using my Heart Rate Monitor and I'm in pretty good shape, so it will burn more if you're new to exercise. Make sure you're eating those cals back to sustain the muscle your body is needing.
  • gail4721
    gail4721 Posts: 75 Member
    my 25 yr old daughter has gotten great results. when she started she didnt think she could get thru it. Luckily for her she stuck it out and lost weight and inches. keep it up you WILL see results good luck with it
  • time4changexx
    time4changexx Posts: 103 Member

    That is the link to my blog about my experiance including photos. I only lost 7lbs but 19inches. It was my only form of excersize and I ate like crap. I am now doing it again (on L1D5) while watching my food intake. I was 222lbs when I started. Its tough but doable and worth it. I would recommend it to anyone, feel free to add.
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    Have you seen this one?

    There are about 4 continuations of this thread, I think, with many, many before/after reports. It's great motivation!
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I'm going to measure tonight and I'm starting tomorrow. I so need tone up. I will continue get my regular cardio exercise 4 times a week.