Joined a week ago and I want to cry

rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
:sad: Hi all, I joined a week ago and I had a good week of staying on point with calories and enjoying my exercising. I am frustrated that I weighed in this morning and lost nothing. NOTHING!. How can a person who was drinking about 500 calaries per day to not drinking anything (alcohol) and exersizing and eating right not loose anything the first week? Is my metablolism so messed up that it thinks I am starving it from day one? I thought that took at least a week or two. I am frustrated but will keep going because something has to happen right? and I know there are tons of you out there to help me.


  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Please don't be so upset over the results of a week. Stick with the plan, and I would bet that you'll see a drop on the scale next week. Some people drop big numbers the first week, some people don't.
  • iRun4wine
    iRun4wine Posts: 5,126
    My first suggestion would be to give it time- easier said than done, but it's essential.

    My second suggestion, if you truly want honest feedback, is to make your food diary public (even if it's only temporarily) so that others can take a look and give you some suggestions :flowerforyou:
  • You may be losing fat and gaining muscle. Take a few measurements and keep track that way too. I am lucky enough to have a trainer and he shows me the amout of fat lost vs. muscle gained. So even though the scale doesn't necessarily go down as quickly as I want it to, I know I am still making progress. Muscle is much more compact than fat, so if this is the case for you , you will still be losing inches and transforming your body! Hang in there!:wink:
  • I agree with the food diary. I tend to be a carb person, but I notice when I balance the proteins with the carbs I am more successful.
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Don't feel frustrated. It's common to not lose weight the first week. There are so many factors that can influence the scale: gaining muscle from exercise, sodium intake, TOM/PMS, etc. You should use something other than the scale as a measure of success. How do you feel? Do your clothes fit a little looser? Do you have more energy and less tired? Are feeling less hungry all the time? (You shouldn't be feeling hungry.) Are you happier?

    Also, check how often you are eating everyday. You'll lose weight easier if you keep you blood sugar levels stable throughout the day by not going more than 3 hours without eating something. Eat 6 small meals a day, or eat 3 meals and 3 snacks. Never skip breakfast or other meals. And make sure that you eat protein at every meal and snack.

    Hope that helps! Keep it up and you'll see results soon!
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    OK, breathe! In with the good...out with the bad! Yes...your body is probably in shock! It doesn't know what to do with itself. My experience has been that when you start exercising your muscles and joints swell and that extra fluid weighs some that you may not see any results. Same thing goes if you were not drinking water and you start doing so. Your body retains it until it learns that you are going to keep giving it, then it will start to release it. Make sure you are eating enough the most 100-200 less that what MFP tells back your exercise least 1/2, if not all...drink your water....exercise, but not to an insane amout/intensity at first and you will soon see results.

    Also realize that I personally fluctuate 1-2 pounds per week, just depending on what I ate or drank or did in the way of exercise the day before. I personally weigh each morning HOWEVER...this is not something everyone can do. It does not bother me when I gain, I am only happy when I lose. For those that are bothered by gaining...this is NOT a good idea.
  • Patience is a virtue. You didn't gain the weight over night & it's not gonna come off over night. It is a slow process for most people (including myself) . Stick with it and it WILL work. Good luck!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    Water, water, water and make sure you're getting in your fruits and veggies. You will lose, but it doesn't always happen for everyone right away!
  • Hey, try not to worry about this, it takes time to lose weight. You have not even had enough time to really get your eating patterns changed yet. You will be firming up over the weeks more than the scale shows in pounds loss.

    You are at the beginning of a very exciting, enjoyable adventure! Getting fit and healthy for a longer, happier life. Rejoice in the opportunity, glorify in the struggle, and always remember...your friends at MFP are always here to help you!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Thanks, I didn't think about the water retention. That may be it. I drink too much water. I have to watch it. (16 to 20 cups a day) I only post up to 12 on my food diary. I also didn;t think about joint swelling. As far as how I have felt all week, I have more energy but I feel really bloated. I am not giving up I am just really frustrated. I didn't eat my exersize calories so I will try to do that more next week. I used to wegh my self twice a day. I know I can fux up to 3 pounds in one day. I think I should try more frequent weight measurements to keep me sane. I thought I would give the once a week weigh in thing a try. Big no no for me I guess. thanks for all the support
  • cmw66
    cmw66 Posts: 1
    Way to go, you did a week and have proved to yourself that you can do it, you have exercised, quit drinking and watched what you ate . .YOU ROCK . . that is a huge lifestyle change. Even if you dont lose weight you should be PROUD of yourself because you are healthier than you were a week ago and THAT is what is important. Keep it up.
  • muth3rluvx2
    muth3rluvx2 Posts: 1,156 Member
    :sad: Hi all, I joined a week ago and I had a good week of staying on point with calories and enjoying my exercising. I am frustrated that I weighed in this morning and lost nothing. NOTHING!. How can a person who was drinking about 500 calaries per day to not drinking anything (alcohol) and exersizing and eating right not loose anything the first week? Is my metablolism so messed up that it thinks I am starving it from day one? I thought that took at least a week or two. I am frustrated but will keep going because something has to happen right? and I know there are tons of you out there to help me.

    also depends on how many cals you're taking in. I'm in sort of the same boat. I have to gain/maintain before I get to play with losing *because* my metabolism is so screwy. So, I keep going back and forth back and forth mentally but in action, I'm really just trying to make sure I get all my cals and then some. I haven't even gotten to the exercise part consistently yet because this is some SERIOUS habit changes. I've been here for 2 or 3 weeks and I've GAINED - but slowly. 2 lbs (although it can get as high as 5 gained - but it's consistently 2). On Monday, I start maintaining my cals for real probably around 1500 to start (even though I have it set at 1200 now). After a week or so, I'll drop it 50 cals to 1450 and really start to push the exercise daily. If I don't see some changes after a week, I'll up my cals beck to 1500, keep exercise the same (EATING MY EXERCISE CALS!!) and see what happens. It's something of a trial and error without having a nutritionist on hand and if you've abused your system for a long time, it's going to take longer to figure out what's "natural".

    Believe me, I get how frustrating it is and depressing. You really just gotta be determined, committed and focus on the long term and work your way through the negative feelings - keep on keepin' on, you know? Don't let yourself be your own worst enemy anymore - be your own best friend. But your body has to learn to trust your decisions again if the trust has been shattered and we all know that takes time. UGH. I'm pretty much right there with ya' though, emotionally.
  • Thanks, I didn't think about the water retention. That may be it. I drink too much water. I have to watch it. (16 to 20 cups a day) I only post up to 12 on my food diary.

    Drinking too much water is not the problem. Drinking a lot of water is great for your body. Too much Sodium is going to make you retain water. Water is great, too much sodium is bad. You can track Sodium on your food diary.
  • Same with me. I bet you lost an inch or two though. My second week I saw a pound difference. Sometimes your body has to catch up with the changes your making. I say hurray for progress, even if it starts slowly.
  • astrosnider
    astrosnider Posts: 151 Member
    I think you are realizing, as we all do, that this is a longterm commitment, not a quick fix. I started Jan. 1 of this year and lost only 5 pounds in the first six weeks. I was really frustrated. I had doubled my exercise, lowered my food intake (had already cut out alcohol and sugary sodas a couple years ago) and nothing much was happening. Then suddenly I shed another 2 pounds in the last 2 days! Stick with it and it will happen. :love:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Thanks, I didn't think about the water retention. That may be it. I drink too much water. I have to watch it. (16 to 20 cups a day) I only post up to 12 on my food diary.

    Drinking too much water is not the problem. Drinking a lot of water is great for your body. Too much Sodium is going to make you retain water. Water is great, too much sodium is bad. You can track Sodium on your food diary.

    I was once told that if I drank too much water I would start to flush electorlytes out of my system and it wasn't a good thing.
  • Hang in there... it took a while for my body to start losing weight when I started too... but when it starts to come off its so worth it in the end... just hang in there and keep at it...
    Keep Smiling...
  • Thanks, I didn't think about the water retention. That may be it. I drink too much water. I have to watch it. (16 to 20 cups a day) I only post up to 12 on my food diary.

    Drinking too much water is not the problem. Drinking a lot of water is great for your body. Too much Sodium is going to make you retain water. Water is great, too much sodium is bad. You can track Sodium on your food diary.

    I was once told that if I drank too much water I would start to flush electorlytes out of my system and it wasn't a good thing.

    There have been cases, especially in sports where athletes have died from drinking too much water in too short of time. Too much of anything we ingest can be harmful...
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Thanks jzbaby626 I just went back and looked at my sodium, and it was off the charts yesterday. not bad the rest of the week but bad yesterday. I will weigh in tomorrow and see if it gets better
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Oh my gosh your story sounds just like me. I gave up alcohol for lent and stuck to my calories and burned between 600 and 750 calories a day, every day, this week. Guess what? I went up a bit (one ounce) I DID cry and I have been going to Jenny Craig. This was week 5 for me staying at the SAME weight. So no more paying $100 + a week for food I will need to do this on my own. I thought giving up the beer on it's own would have gotten me somewhere. NOPE.
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