Anabolic Steroids: A Discussion



  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    My viewpoint is simply - legal or not - where is the pride in building muscle mass via steriods. Building real strength by natural means does more for the self esteem in addition to knowing what you have built physically is yours and by your own efforts.

    If there was a drug that would enable me to kick into a handstand easily, rather than face the fear of going upside down, the strength I need to build to hold a stable pose and the hours of dedication to the practice, I wouldn't take it - legal or no. Some things mean more when they are honestly earned.

    I agree. with this. Not to mention when it comes to sports those that didn't want to take steroids would then have to in order to compete with the ones that are.

    And steroids are very unhealthy.

    As far as alcohol being legal goes . . . it's way too engrained in our society for it to be done away with. Prohibition proved that years ago and it's happening in the States with marijuana.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    GorillaEsq! Welcome back!
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Congress banned steroids because of baseball


    The American AAS ban is purely because of sports and a few extremely outdated and fraudulent "studies". It was propaganda, nothing more.

  • Sycoholic
    Sycoholic Posts: 282 Member
    I personally prefer not to ingest anything with such side effects as steroids. I'm on a multi-vitamin, whey protein, fat burner, and a N.O. enhancer. After I finish this bottle of fat burner (liquid clenbutrx hardcore) I'll start on creatine. Nothing there really has any side effects except maybe the fat burner and I experience no side effects from it.

    I understand the allure of steroids as well as the other "tricks of the trade". I just don't want to gain my muscles with steroids. I'm not against anybody who does though, as it still takes hard work and dedication to get muscle gains. You can't take steroids, sit on the couch watching Family Guy and get big. I do understand having a level playing field when it comes to pro sports as it's not fair to expect other athletes to take a drug in order to be competitive.

    If your friend ever decides to stop taking steroids he may have a lot of unwanted side effects, such as NO TESTOSTERONE PRODUCTION! He would be best to see a doctor and explain that he's on illegal steroids and wants to cycle off healthy. The doctor may have a trick or two up his sleeve to hopefully get his body to start producing testosterone again. Plus, it may behoove him to have some tests done to see if he's experiencing any damage, such as liver damage. I've known a few people who were a wreck after getting off steroids, but heck, they had developed health issues on them and had no choice but to stop.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I think they're only illegal because of the use in competitive sports. Its unfair to have some people get a competitive edge using steroids while someone else may not want to use them.

    It would suck for lets say an olympic athlete who wants to compete naturally to have to go up against other people using steroids.
    In a situation like that then everyone competing is forced to use steroids even if they don't like the idea of putting drugs in their bodies.

    As for the general population, they should be legal but still controlled. It wouldn't be a good idea to have them so easily accessible to teens or young adults who are still developing. It would be great to use them under the supervision of a doctor, especially with injuries and speeding up recovery though.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    I think they're only illegal because of the use in competitive sports. Its unfair to have some people get a competitive edge using steroids while someone else may not want to use them.

    It would suck for lets say an olympic athlete who wants to compete naturally to have to go up against other people using steroids.
    In a situation like that then everyone competing is forced to use steroids even if they don't like the idea of putting drugs in their bodies.

    As for the general population, they should be legal but still controlled. It wouldn't be a good idea to have them so easily accessible to teens or young adults who are still developing. It would be great to use them under the supervision of a doctor, especially with injuries and speeding up recovery though.

    victoria what a load of tosh!

    Do you understand the whole `cabaret` of steroids?
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I think they're only illegal because of the use in competitive sports. Its unfair to have some people get a competitive edge using steroids while someone else may not want to use them.

    It would suck for lets say an olympic athlete who wants to compete naturally to have to go up against other people using steroids.
    In a situation like that then everyone competing is forced to use steroids even if they don't like the idea of putting drugs in their bodies.

    As for the general population, they should be legal but still controlled. It wouldn't be a good idea to have them so easily accessible to teens or young adults who are still developing. It would be great to use them under the supervision of a doctor, especially with injuries and speeding up recovery though.

  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I think they're only illegal because of the use in competitive sports. Its unfair to have some people get a competitive edge using steroids while someone else may not want to use them.

    It would suck for lets say an olympic athlete who wants to compete naturally to have to go up against other people using steroids.
    In a situation like that then everyone competing is forced to use steroids even if they don't like the idea of putting drugs in their bodies.

    As for the general population, they should be legal but still controlled. It wouldn't be a good idea to have them so easily accessible to teens or young adults who are still developing. It would be great to use them under the supervision of a doctor, especially with injuries and speeding up recovery though.

    victoria what a load of tosh!

    Do you understand the whole `cabaret` of steroids?

    Would you care to elaborate? (I'm not sure what tosh means either actually)
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    The issue I have with this is the impact on professional and semiprofessional sports. I would not want my son, if he wants to be an athlete, to be forced to use them in order to compete with other guys in his sport. If they are legal, that's not a hard reality to imagine. If he's talented enough to compete at a semipro or pro level and willing to put in the dedication and hard work, he shouldn't be forced to inject substances that cause irreparable harm to himself in order to be competitive.

    Aside from that, I don't care too much what an individual guy or gal does with them.
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Very subjective.

    I agree but those subjective things like honour, pride in sweat, the feeling of having done a hard session and seeing the muscle build and the fat reduce, my first real in the middle of the room handstand, etc, etc are all subjectivities that make life worth living.

    How many people would still want to build a muscular steroid built body if those subjecticities were taken out of the process? I personally wouldn't.

    Sweat and glory are subjective, but I would argue they are essential to life.

    i dont think you understand how steroids work. maybe read up on them?

    as for the OP question i think they should be legal.

    Thanks. I made a point of reading up on them as you suggested. From what I have read, I certainly won't be going down that path and I feel they should be illegal on health grounds at least.

    The point has been made that a steroid user only harms themselves. That point is not true as those who damage their health through steroid misuse then become a burden on the nation's health network, which we all pay for in one way or another.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    `tosh` means what a load of crap. Do you really understand the whole steroids etc?
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    Congress banned steroids because of baseball


    as i recall, it started before that with a couple of high profile football players lobbying Congress to do something. in particular, i remember Lyle Alzado blaming his brain tumor on his steroid use while in the NFL. this was in the late 80's and very early 90's.

    the steroid abusers in MLB during the 90's were using those drugs after they'd already been made illegal without a prescription. that's why guys like Barry Bonds went to such extreme measures to mask their use.
  • trojanbb
    trojanbb Posts: 1,297 Member
    The ban does SO much more harm than good. Once you cycle a few times, your hormones are most likely skewed for life. While running AAS, routine bloodwork is needed to check health etc. All the ban does is drive people underground, reduces the number of blood tests among AAS users, makes it harder to use responsibly. Even worse, most people can't get their hands on legitimate pharma quality drugs and resort to buying underground injectables from overseas.

    Like all anti drug laws, there are a host of detrimental unintended consequences. But Big Brother knows best right?!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    `tosh` means what a load of crap. Do you really understand the whole steroids etc?

    I'm pretty sure I do in a layman's sense. I didn't study medicine or pharmacology so I don't know the nitty gritty down to a molecular level about it.

    But as I asked before, do you think you could elaborate?
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Congress banned steroids because of baseball


    as i recall, it started before that with a couple of high profile football players lobbying Congress to do something. in particular, i remember Lyle Alzado blaming his brain tumor on his steroid use while in the NFL. this was in the late 80's and very early 90's.

    the steroid abusers in MLB during the 90's were using those drugs after they'd already been made illegal without a prescription. that's why guys like Barry Bonds went to such extreme measures to mask their use.

    You're most likely right, I'm just going by my own experience with the Yankees, Wells and crew.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    i want to look like this when im 66.

  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    `tosh` means what a load of crap. Do you really understand the whole steroids etc?

    I'm pretty sure I do in a layman's sense. I didn't study medicine or pharmacology so I don't know the nitty gritty down to a molecular level about it.

    But as I asked before, do you think you could elaborate?

    In what way do you want me to elaborate?

    Would you like me to name each drug and the side effect? How to administer each drug and the results that will happen?

    Really Victoria...without sounding rude, and I don`t want to sound rude, but I could write a whole book on `steroids on how it affects people` if you are so interested then pm me because I am not going to put it all on MFP.

    As I said in an earlier post `it is your life`
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    `tosh` means what a load of crap. Do you really understand the whole steroids etc?

    I'm pretty sure I do in a layman's sense. I didn't study medicine or pharmacology so I don't know the nitty gritty down to a molecular level about it.

    But as I asked before, do you think you could elaborate?

    In what way do you want me to elaborate?

    Would you like me to name each drug and the side effect? How to administer each drug and the results that will happen?

    Really Victoria...without sounding rude, and I don`t want to sound rude, but I could write a whole book on `steroids on how it affects people` if you are so interested then pm me because I am not going to put it all on MFP.

    As I said in an earlier post `it is your life`

    If you have nothing to add then why bother posting? I'm sure if you can write a book then you'd surely have enough education to write a summary as well.

    About it being my life, lol no I don't use steroids. :huh:

    Also, fyi you do sound rude.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    `tosh` means what a load of crap. Do you really understand the whole steroids etc?

    I'm pretty sure I do in a layman's sense. I didn't study medicine or pharmacology so I don't know the nitty gritty down to a molecular level about it.

    But as I asked before, do you think you could elaborate?

    In what way do you want me to elaborate?

    Would you like me to name each drug and the side effect? How to administer each drug and the results that will happen?

    Really Victoria...without sounding rude, and I don`t want to sound rude, but I could write a whole book on `steroids on how it affects people` if you are so interested then pm me because I am not going to put it all on MFP.

    As I said in an earlier post `it is your life`

    If you have nothing to add then why bother posting? I'm sure if you can write a book then you'd surely have enough education to write a summary as well.

    About it being my life, lol no I don't use steroids. :huh:

    Also, fyi you do sound rude.

    whatever! :laugh:
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    this WAS an interesting discussion.

    Oh, well, never mind.