HCG Diet or Scam

I am on phase 1 of this controversial diet. I am not sure if I will complete it. But I have been on MFP for over 450 days. I have kept my weight off but have not lost more weight in over 9 months. I want a kick start. Don't do this diet without knowing from your doctor if you are healthy. I am writing about my experience on my wordpressblog. itsallthesamediet.wordpress.com/ Love to hear from others who hate/love or have opinions about HCG.


  • BerniceB
    BerniceB Posts: 41 Member
    I finished the HCG 500 calorie diet last February. I kept off the 12 pounds I lost. I am now starting a 800 calorie version of this diet. I discuss my journey on a Wordpress site called Itsallthesamediet. Has anyone tried this higher calorie version of this diet?
  • BrotherBill913
    BrotherBill913 Posts: 661 Member
    I've never tried it, I know ppl who have they lost, then gained it all back, and one even more than before he started. You will lose weight on a 500 calorie diet regardless. If your managing to keep it off, and geting stronger and faster all at the same time then hey you found that miracle pill!!!!! Good Luck.
  • grandpoobah12
    I did it. I lost 50 lbs in 3 months. 2 rounds. I also lost 30 lbs of lean body mass along with the fat. I was tired even climbing up the stairs at the end. I looked good for about 2 months, which I kept up by doing steak days. ( eating nothing all day and then eating a steak. ) I gained back about 30 lbs in 6 months after that by eating a reasonable diet. I couldn`t do the steak day any more. I felt weird.

    It`s not a scam. It`s starving. Look up malnourishment and see what happens to people. It is an excellent way to become skinny fat. And then even if you weigh less, to have less muscle. YOu need that muscle. My thighs were thin because I had no muscle. I still had cellulite. Even at my thinnest weight.

    It is exactly what an anorexic person would do.

    The great thing is, you don`t have to do this to lose weight. YOur jumpstart you need is probably more food. I know, I know, it goes against the grain. You were probably already under eating for your activity.

    Your body can live on very little but it wont work right. If your not careful, it can turn into an eating disorder that wont be discovered because you still look overweight.

    It`s still an eating disorder. I was an exorexic. I exercised so much I basically ate nothing every day, burning all the calories I ate during the week . I ate about 2000 calories for 2 days on the weekend. Gained 1 lb a week for 3 years. Actually I gained 3 lbs every weekend and lost the 2 starving during the week. Using MFP the whole time. I looked fat. I asked everyone on the forums and they said eat less, exercise more. That wasn`t the advice I needed.

    why can some people eat normally while you, or I, gain weight looking at at donut. because they haven`t done HCG and yo yo diets.

    Start looking up BMR, RMR and TDEE. Get a calories scanner, some cheaper ones will give you a better idea of your real TDEE.

    My TDEE is around 2800 a day. What! I am 5'9" 182lbs and 38 years old. I am very active. I always set myself up for failure by eating so little.

    I really am recovering from an eating disorder,I had a lot of symptoms that I thought were just from getting older that werent.
    don`t do this to yourself.

    Please, it really hasn`t been good for me. Save yourself the trouble.
    Think I sound dramatic? I`m playing it down for you.
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I put this right up there with the "lemonade" diet..
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    HCG diet discussion are not allowed on MFP.

    Please stop starving yourself
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    If it is prescribed by a doctor it is legitimate HCG hormone but it is not approved or proven for weight loss.

    If it is not (in US, Canada and UK that I am aware of), it is a scam and is not actually the hormone as it is not legal to obtain without a prescription and is a scam.

    Either way, it is not something I would recommend anyone try. You are going to lose weight eating 500 calories a day with or without a hormone.
  • AMarlene
    AMarlene Posts: 31 Member
    This will start to get mean, just a warning. MFP people have no tolerance for HCG, learned my lesson a couple years ago. Best wishes!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Uh no.
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