ZERO lbs to lose - looking to get healthier and tone up!

Looking for friends who will support me in my goal to get stronger and tone up. I am not dieting or trying to lose any lbs, I am just exercising for my mental and physical health. I don't mind if you are on a weight loss journey, I just want people to be aware that I am underweight (5'8", 117lbs) so I don't want to accidentally friend someone who will be offended or discouraged by my progress pics, or anyone who will judge me for being "too thin."

Currently I am doing Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 for January.

&for anyone who has success stories with getting fit, I'd love to hear!

Here is my before pic for RI30, for anyone who is curious, hoping to get more streamlined and improve my muscular and cardiovascular strength.

