Craving food at bed time!

suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
I need some help/tips!
All day I keep to the calorie intake for my plan. But when night comes I WANT TO EAT!
It's so strange. I don't think I'm hungry.....but I crave food so bad at night. Why?
Is there anything I could do to help with this?

THANK YOU for any help!


  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    i have/had the same problem.
    I try to have ( i try to do this about two hours before climbing into bed) a mug of nonfat sugar free hot chocolate (nestle has one for about 20 calories), or your could have some chamomile tea.
    I find that something warm like that in my tummy fills me up.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I do the Hot Cocoa (sugarfree of course:flowerforyou: ) every night, too... I'm satisfied and it takes care of that chocolate thing... :bigsmile:
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Thank you for that tip.
    I like Lipton Green tea with a tiny bit of sugar; I will definitely try this.
    I swear if there was any snacks or food on the bed table, sometimes I'd eat them in my sleep! Not only that, lately I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee and before I get back into bed I will be thinking, "hmm, what can I grab to eat?"
    I'm weird.
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    I don't know you or your habits, but I have a few suggestions that I use for my mental checklist with regard to this problem...

    1) What time is it? Am I going to bed too late? (For me, anything after 10 pm is too late. I start getting ready for bed about 9.)

    2) How much water did I drink today? (I'm still getting used to the whole concept of drinking plain water.)

    3) Have I had too much sugar vs. protein? (If my protein and sugar intake are not balanced I start getting major snack cravings)

    Hope those help you!
  • acureese
    acureese Posts: 169
    I usually crave sweets, so a yogurt or a protein shake (chocolate protein powder and water) hit the spot!! :)
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    Thank you, and me too about the water thing. I'm trying to drink at least 32 ozs of water each day, but I am peeing so much! I actually counted how many times I went pee yesterday and it was 12 times in 24 hours. Is this normal? Plus, not only drinking more water but I drink a couple 6 or 8 oz protein smoothies each day too.
    Thank you,
  • Lusadi
    Lusadi Posts: 79
    My experience was the same. It's like your body doesn't know what to do with all this new hydration. My husband assures me it will get better. We shall see!
  • The water does help. Alot of times, especially for people who are active during the day, they are bored at night. Some of us have conditioned ourselves to eat when we are bored. If you can find something to do with your hands, it helps. I've taken up crochet and it has helped alot with me not wanting to snack when watching late night t.v.
  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    Sablegrey hit it on the head. If you're actually hungry, eat something - starving isn't good. However, most of us who have late night cravings are really just bored. Find something to do! Get up, go for a jog, read a book, etc.

    Also, for the people suggesting sugar free hot chocolate - does that have sugar substitutes? If you want to move to something healthier that has taste (water is still the best choice) , try herbal tea. No sugar, no crap sugar substitutes, just herbal tea. It tastes great and takes a while to drink. I gave up all coffee about a week ago, and with herbal tea, finally I don't actually miss it anymore!
  • jddicarlo
    jddicarlo Posts: 171 Member
    Great post and perfect timing for me. I am having the same problem lately (the past 3 days in particular). I am good during the day. Probably because I bring my food to work and have stocked up on healthy foods (fruits, veggies, snacks). So there is no temptation, I eat the right stuff and space my meals, lots of water, etc). The last few days though after dinner (I do good at dinner too - so I should be good). But then something happens, craving, lack of will power, combination of both - but I am into everything I can get my hands on - and all the wrong stuff (cookies, ice cream, chips and dip). I know when I grab for it I am setting myself back. So frustrated with myself.

    I like everyone's tips and I'll try a few to see what works.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    I agree with the T. I love Lipton Green Tea.
    Thank you for the tip.
  • suziblues2000
    suziblues2000 Posts: 515 Member
    I'm thinking it may be boredom also. I have learned to knit! :smile:
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