Protein Powders



  • gmsmagic1
    gmsmagic1 Posts: 12 Member
    All the responses to your initial question may only leave you more confused in the end since obviously everyone has different taste preferences when it comes to their favorite protein drinks. You may hate the taste of whey, soy, or high protein anything for that matter. Heck, some people recommended EAS Soy drinks that I personally think taste horrible compared to other brands I've tried, but that doesn't mean you won't like it or that you will like my selections any better.

    Ultimately, achieving your goal of lean body mass is impossible to accurately address without knowing more about you in general such as your current BMI, goal weight, diet you're following, and how often you exercise.

    I lost 106 lbs a year ago following a regimented low carb diet, and I've managed to keep the weight off through portion control, some exercise, and by replacing one meal a day with one of my many favorite protein shakes. The key is variety in my opinion, so don't seek out the perfect drink!

    If you're on a low carb diet, then most vegetables are the last thing you would be eating. And obviously, too much protein or anything for that matter can turn to fat if you're not monitoring your intake or burning the excess through exercise. My recommendation to you is to visit a reputable nutritionist or weight management doctor since they can align your personal goals to your diet and often provide you with samples of different protein drinks so that you don't drop a fortune experimenting.

    And as I hinted to earlier, human nature will dictate that variety is the key to any successful diet so that you don't get sick of eating or drinking the same thing every day. I personally have a pantry filled with several protein drinks that I use as a meal substitute once per day so that I maintain the goal weight I've already achieved. Chocolate and Vanilla are the easiest flavors to find, but depending on my mood and the time of day, I often pick one of the many other flavors I have to keep it interesting.

    When I'm in a hurry and want to just grab a bottle for the road, I personally like the Slim Fast Low Carb 1-2-3 Vanilla or Chocolate bottles that you can find at most Walmarts and Shoppers Stores. I also love the taste of the Premier Nutrition High Protein Vanilla Shakes (30 grams protein but only 3 grams carbs & fat) that can be bought in bulk at Costco. For Cookies N Cream or Mint Cookies N Cream, I love Matrix or Muscletech. For Orange Cream, I love Bariatric Advantage (excellent for getting all your daily nutrients). Bariatric Advantage also sells a no taste powder that can be used for mixing as you asked. The list goes on and on. If you have a favorite flavor, I can most likely recommend my favorite brand since I've tried most of them!

    I loved the article Rtossas recommended on Top Protein Picks for educating yourself, although it wisely doesn't go into recommending any particular brands since that would dis-credit the information and make it look more like an infomercial. And for some general decent education on your topic of lean mass dieting, check out this article:

    Hope this all helps. Good luck!

