Getting ready for Navy --

SquidInTraining Posts: 196
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, all --

I'm 23 years old, female, and am preparing for enlistment in the Navy. In order to pass the physical requirements test, I need to drop 15 pounds, shave a few minutes off of my mile, and improve my endurance. Any suggestions/advice is appreciated.

Thanks in advance,



  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    Being in the AF myself, I can tell you that the only way to improve your run time is to run.

    As far as weight, using MFP helps me keep track of what I eat so I don't eat too much or eat high cal foods. Stick to the plan MFP gives you, drink tons of water (at least half your body weight in ounces), watch your sodium intake, invest in a HRM for the most accurate account of how many calories you're burning (I use mine even during our mandatory PT sessions), and weigh yourself once a week for the best idea of how you're doing. Take measurements too (waist, hips at a minimum) because they will show you improvement if the scale seems to hit a plateau.

    Hope this helps and good luck in the Navy!
  • ErinWhi
    ErinWhi Posts: 9 Member
    You go girl! Def agree with the running, only way to improve is to run. I had a physical test I had to prep fro with like requirements, the tougest for me was push ups.
  • Thanks for the advice,

    I'll invest in a HRM, I live on the east coast -- being constantly slammed by winter weather has put a hamper on my running out doors- I'll be running on a treadmill starting Monday until weather clears up. Luckily(depending on perception, I suppose) I got laid off on Friday and so have lots of free time to work out. I have a meeting on Wednesday with my recruiter and his boss, to figure out when I'm going to MEPS.
  • Where on the east coast are you? I just enlisted, and I'm trying to get ready for my special-ops test, I'm trying to become an air rescue swimmer.
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