5'3' 229 but my goal is 130.... im doubting myself



  • Bettikins
    Bettikins Posts: 2 Member
    Biggest Loser's new season starts tomorrow night on NBC...its very motivational and might pull you through. Stick with these contestants as they struggle week after week and listen to the tips from the trainers...you can do it. Buy an outfit one size smaller and try it on every few days...then in two or three weeks it'll fit and give you the incentive to keep going. Just keep your eye on the prize! Being at goal is like winning the lottery!
  • Shanni827
    Shanni827 Posts: 76 Member
    You can do it! The key is to set smaller goals and not focus so much on the end number. Try just eating healthy and making healthier choices first. Set 5 lb, 10 lb and 15 lb goals and be excited to reach those. It's a long process, the weight doesn't go on over night so it's not going to be over night that it comes off. Be happy with every lb and oz you lose. It's that much closer to reaching your next goal. Believe in yourself and know that you can do it! I wish you luck!
  • tjwilliam1
    tjwilliam1 Posts: 14 Member
    Don't give up! I did it and now 20 years later, I'm trying again. But this time, it's a must for health reasons. I'm still trying and I know it would be slow. And 5 days in, I still haven't made it perfectly every day. But your worth it. You've only failed when you stop trying and working towards you're goal.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    I am 5'2" and started here over a year and a half ago(over 200lbs), determined to make this the last time I yo- yoed!
    I set small goals: 170, 160...never thinking I could come anywhere near the 140's, but each time I reached a goal and reset, I felt renewed. I now weigh a pretty muscular 149-151, and I feel 10 years younger:) I can do things I thought I would never be able to do again.
    Find a few supportive friends here, believe in yourself, and BE CONSISTENT! LOG IN EVERY DAY!
    You can do this:)
  • VP72
    VP72 Posts: 89
    You can do it! Don't think negative thoughts as you will set yourself up to fail. I have 74lbs to lose & am on my first week, I know it's going to be a long journey, but just think of the outcome and the rest of your life!

    There are loads of people on here that can offer support, motivation & focus.

    Add me if you like & I will help you all I can & I'm sure I'll have times when I need it too......
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    I'm very much in the same place as you - 5'3"/5'4" and started at 249.8 on Oct. 20th. I'm now down almost 18 lbs and it's the most success I've ever had. It took me a long time to get into the right frame of mind to make this change. Before I'd try and withing 2-4 weeks I had given up. I was just going through the motions of trying but never making a whole hearted commitment.

    It may be hard at first, but stick with it. I saw on Pinterest a motivational poster that said that it takes 4 weeks for you to notice a difference, 8 weeks for those closest to you to notice a difference and 12 weeks for the world to notice a difference. I can say that even tho the scale was moving, it wasn't until about 4-6 weeks that I finally saw a difference in the mirror and 8 weeks for someone at work to comment that my jeans had gotten baggy.

    Take it one day at a time. If you screw up one day, so be it. It's life, screw ups happen but don't let it dictate your success or failure. The next day get back on track. While I've given up soda and fast food, I haven't stopped eating anything else, I just eat less of it (a heck of a lot less). If I want ice cream and it fits within my calorie budget, I eat it. The first couple weeks if I craved a soda, I'd have it after drinking at least 8 ozs of water and waiting an hour. Most of the time the water and waiting worked and I went from drinking 5-6 sodas (or equivalent) a day to 2-3 for the week or two to now none.

    As someone else posted, this is a great link to help you determine how many calories you should eat: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12. I tried MFP's guideline of 1280 calories for the first 5 days and felt AWFUL! I changed my goal to 1600 and have felt really good ever since.

    Two tools that have greatly improved my success this time is a food scale and a heart rate monitor. I weigh and measure everything I eat. I'm learning what a portion size is so that when I go out to eat, I can better judge how much I should eat. A heart rate monitor lets you know how much you're burning during exercising. MFP and exercise machines can be inaccurate.

    I hope this helps and good luck!!
  • unwonderland
    5"2.25 and currently 112. I wanna be 105
  • Ravenista
    Ravenista Posts: 2 Member
    Don' t doubt yourself. My starting weight last year was 232 and now I am down to 203. I got off track but joined mfp so now I am back on track.
  • stasherella
    stasherella Posts: 46 Member
    Doubt is a horrible, natural occurrence. It shows up with one purpose and that is to derail or delay your progress. We all have had a run in with doubt and we have overcome it. I doubted that I would ever be able to log in more that 5 days and for a very long time that was all I did, but I got serious about me and made it to twenty. I once doubted that I could ever lose me than 5 pounds and last year I was able to lose 14 (put it back on , but still lost it). Every time doubt shows up in your mind push it away show yourself you can do it even if you have to do it with small goals.