i am weak



  • akj_25
    akj_25 Posts: 244 Member
    wow thanks for all the replies to my vent. it is nice to have support in this battle.

    i got over it. -- sometimes you have to write something out to realize how ridiculous you are being. i wasn't hungry i am just bored. -- luckily a good football game is in progress (GO PACKERS) to hold my attention. i ended up throwing out the cookies and found that to be a great feeling.

    and don't get me wrong i eat cookies occasionally (well more than occationally). i don't feel any food is 'bad' it is more the fact that i knew i didn't need any more food but my mind was caught up on the idea.

    in response to what many have posted : i have a two year old and it is dark outside and 5 degrees here so going for a walk or something is out of the question, and i am trying to get her ready for bed so i don't want to get her wound up in dancing. -- but all are great daytime ideas to avoid bored eating.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Bake something healthy, not cookies.
    Do sit ups with toddler helping.
    Do jumping jacks and get toddler to do a few too.
    Any movement is a good thing, turn off the movies and do something active with toddler, even skipping around the room is moving and it's good for you and toddler too.
    Eat a snack of healthy filling food.
    Have a cup of tea.

    Here's hoping you can get over the hunger thoughts soon.

    why are cookies unhealthy?

    i am a firm advocate that there is no such thing as "good" foods or "bad" foods. the problem is not what you eat, it's how much and how often.

    3 or 4 cookies are fine. they are not unhealthy. however, 34 cookies is going to be a problem.

    this is kind of oversimplifying the issue though. if many of us on this site were able to stick to the occasional 3-4 cookies then we probably wouldnt have end up on this site. for some people eating 1 cookie is an invitation to eat the whole batch and saying "well just stop at 2 cookies" isnt really good advice for someone who has a hard time with self-control. until self control is learned, it's just best to avoid the situations altogether.

    that's not to say that someone can never eat cookies for the rest of their lives, but some of us need to be uber strict in the beginning since we're adults essentially learning new habits and breaking old ones that may have been ingrained from childhood