daily protein intake

why is the daily protein intake so low? I am on a 1200 calorie a day level


  • MFP's automatic settings aren't my favorite. You can adjust them. Why are you eating so little?
  • Chinadorian
    Chinadorian Posts: 200 Member
    go to Home. Goals. Custom. Change settings. You can change the percentages of your macros on there. (maybe eat more than 1200?)
  • Wvictory53
    Wvictory53 Posts: 7 Member
    In an answer to your situation I was told in my initial dpetary class that our protein intake should be at a minimum of 60 to 80 or more. There days that I myself failed to achieve the 60 grams of protein, but I soon tried to include more protein shakes, which began to help me. For me I enjoy yogurt, cheese, cottage especially which I pair with fruit like blueberries, water melon, cantaloupe, and when I prepare girits I include sour cream in order to make them creamy. One other thing if you eat oatmeal you can use your protein shake in the place of milk when making oatmeal.. Also, when possible log what you are eating in to trqack your intake. For example, i sometime eat chips which I log. Hope this helps!