Hello all :)

Hi my name is Patricia and i heard about this site form a family member, i was already starting my weight loss journey so i figured that this website couldnt hurt, its just another tool in my tool belt. im still figuring everything out but it seems pretty easy.


  • SkinnyLynnie
    Hi Patricia, and welcome! I'm new also and trying to figure things out. Come by and visit me if you want. I filled out my profile and have been on here for a week. I don't know if you have or want fitness pals -- but if you do, please add me. Thanks! Lynnie
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Welcome aboard,

    To get control of your eating, you must first know just what the heck you're eating. The food diary here is a huge-amazing-fantastic tool to do that. The biggest and bestest tool in that toolbox. :smile:

    So what's your goal?
  • sdscouser
    sdscouser Posts: 320