Stronglift on a Smith rack



  • Slamdunkpro
    Slamdunkpro Posts: 88 Member
    All good things come to those who whine, cry and stamp their feet. A real squat cage is being installed next week!
  • Slamdunkpro
    Slamdunkpro Posts: 88 Member
    Did my first Stronglift workout on a real squat rack instead of a Smith machine today. What a difference! Free squats are so much easier and I could really feel my butt and hams working. It's clear that the Smith machine really isolates quads at the expense of gluts and hams. Added bonus was not having to clean the bar off the bench press rack to do overheads.
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    Side note- 5x5 programs have been around forever. I doubt that guy wrote it, maybe he modified it some, but the concept is an old one.

    Glad your gym got a squat rack. I can't see that being any more or less of a liability than a Smith machine when someone blows out a disk because of bad body positioning in the Smith.