New Here and looking for support :)

I'm 5'0" and 168lbs. I have always been small until I had two babies 11 months apart. I gained 50lbs with my first and lost 30lbs the first 2 months after and then was pregnant again and gained 65lbs and lost 40 lbs after birth. My hubs and I want to have our children before we keep getting older, so we decided to have them close together. We discovered we are expecting again and our youngest is 7 months old. Needless to say, I do not want to gain much weight, because I am now over weight, and ideally I would like to stay where I am at as the baby grows. I am so exhausted all the time, and although my hubs supports me in this he works full time, coaches and is in graduate school( I also work part-time). My family lives relitively far away, so I am really on my own with everything and get discouraged often. I ate so much junk food when i was pregnant and did alot of impulse earing. Now it has become a habit and i am having a hard time breaking it. I just want to be thin again, but I have two babies and am pretty limited to what kind of exercise I can do, because I always have them with me and can't really afford a Y membership. Also, I can't cut my calories too much because I am pregnant and want to eat better foods. Anyway, I hate looking at pictures of myself and I feel self conscience, even with my husband. I don't want to veiw the body I have now as permanent, only temporary, but I am so exhausted! Just wanted to introduce myself and become inspired by all who have made the first steps and are successful!