Moving on from MFP

Ok guys. It's been a wonderful year with MFP and with all, but I've gotten to the point where I don't feel as if it's offering me any benefits.

I'm logging as an afterthought at the end of the day, and even without keeping track as well as I was, I'm staying where I need to be. It's becoming a chore more than a beneficial part of my weight loss. It's no longer something that I feel good about doing. It feels like a "must be done," not something helping me with my progress.

I've had a lot of fun, but I feel as though I'm getting too wrapped up in the drama, and the vicious antagonistic attitudes towards differing, and often downright conflicting information. It doesn't feel like a supportive community, and once you add that to the fact that I'm not feeling the benefits of the calorie counting, it's time to move on.

To those of you that HAVE been supportive, and DO try their best to give each other encouragement, thank you for the support you've given me, and the support I'm sure you will continue to give to each other... It's just not enough to keep me around.

To my WoW buddies and fellow Whovians. You will be missed. My wowbuddies should already all know where to find me. To all my fellow gamer geeks *hugs* I have your web sites and game infos and all other info shared along the way.

Good luck on your journeys to weight loss and fitness, I hope that each and every one of you reaches your goals. I know this is NOT setting aside my goals. Right now, this is what I need to meet my goals.

For those of you that I have given other means of contact to. You're always welcome to hit me up on gchat or aim or whatevs. I'll leave my account open for a few days for final goodbyes and such.

Thank you all for being a part of my journey this far.