Having trouble with my recommendations.

First off I want to say that I wish I had found this site years ago. Having something that I can fill out every day is immensely helpful.

But I'm having trouble with what it is telling me in my food diary.


Firstly, I keep going over on the protein recommendations, is that really bad?

Also, I read that I am supposed to eat my exercise calories, any recommendations on what I should fill them with? I really only like bread, meat, and dairy. Fruit is good as well, but I don't eat a lot of it.

I'm just so lost here, after 25 years of not caring what I eat and when I eat it.

Thanks for your time.


  • Topher1978
    Topher1978 Posts: 975 Member
    No, it isn't bad. Depending on how you work out, you may wish to change the % of your intake of your macro-nutrients.